Chapter Three

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Valentines Day, Seventh Grade!

        "Hey Alex, what are you doing this weekend?" "I have a date with Sydney Bradshaw!" "Are you serious? Why?" You were laughing hysterically, Sydney Bradshaw was in the eighth grade and was already known throughout the school for being promiscuous. Why would she even give Alex a chance? "Omg, ALEX! Are you. . ?" "Rhiannon, come on! You sound like my mom. You can hang out with Jack while I go to the movies with Sydney. Its not like you had anything better planned, right?" You stood there for a few seconds before inwardly sighing, "Of course not. Jack and I will have more fun without you anyways." You then false laughed and walked away on the edge of tears. The worst part was, you didn't really know why you were even upset.

>>That night with Jack>>

        "Sorry Alex was such an ass, Annie girl." "Its fine, but why must you take on that stupid nickname from him." "Because its funny when you're mad, duhh!" This resulted in you tackling him. Jack had you pinned down to the floor when he asked, "Why don't you just ask him out if you like him so much?" You paused looking up at Jack for a moment in thought, "Because you've seen him, and we've both been in his head. He doesn't like girls like me."

Sophomore Year! (Alex and Jack)

        "Jack, do you really think we should let her go out with him? I mean underneath all of that, we know she's. . . sensitive. I just don't want to see her get hurt. I really don't think she should date him, he's not good for her." Jack looked over at me rolling his eyes. "ALEX! Shut up! Who is good for her? Come on, you've pretty much ended every relationship she's had so far. Its almost like you want to date her." "So, what if I did? Its not like she would ever like me, Jack. She doesn't like guys like me."


        You were driving towards Starbucks still fuming. You couldn't believe they just showed up there, at your house, unexpected. Did they have any manners? Okay, you did feel a little bad, you had totally ignored Jack and he was your other best friend. Although you could always tell Jack anything. Sometimes you worried that he would tell Alex, but he always kept his word and never did. Jack was quite the blabbermouth under other circumstances.

        After working your eight hour shift, you were tired, still angry, and so excited to go home and sleep in your huge, cozy bed. You pulled into the driveway, excited to see your parents had left on the porch light. You wouldn't be falling on your face tonight. You threw off your jacket and shoes before running up the stairs. You shut your door, turned on your desk lamp and started to get undressed. You were in your bra and underwear about to take off your bra when you finally noticed Alex sitting on your bed, just watching. "WHAT THE HELL, ALEX?" "What? I had a nice view."

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