Chapter Fourteen

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Rhiannon's POV

As you looked up towards Carter, you could tell that you were shaking. Alex grabbed your hand giving it a slight squeeze. "What the hell is going on Rhiannon?" Carter's voice seemed to boom through the house, shaking you to your very core. "Umm. . . ," you felt like you were going to cry. Your mouth had went dry and there was nothing you could do to stop the trembling of your body. What had you been thinking? Nothing was going to keep him from hitting you here and now, not even Alex. He had warned you to stay away from him. Alex could get hurt now because of you. You should have never let Alex stay last night. You should have made him go home. What were you thinking? You knew the consequences.

You couldn't stop shaking and your mind was reeling. Suddenly it felt like you weren't even in your body, like you were a passenger in it. You had no control of your body as fear crippled you in tremors that wracked your entire body. You didn't even notice when Alex had stood up in front of you at first. Suddenly your brain cleared for just a moment, he was going to try and protect you. Alex was going to get hurt too because of you. Because you were selfish.

Suddenly you were aware of Carter gliding forward, his entire body moved like a predator and I was the prey. Alex stood his ground in front of you. "Hey douche bag get out of my way, that's my girlfriend." "Not anymore," came Alex's response through gritted teeth. You didn't need to see his face to know that his jaw was clenched as you took in the defensive stance in front of you. "She's my girlfriend until I decide otherwise. Aren't you babe?"

Your breath caught in your throat as you took in the underlying threat to his words. This wasn't going to end well. Alex didn't back down and took a step forward, "not anymore." You swore you heard a growl come from Carter's throat, "Wanna bet?" "Yeah, actually I do." You could hear the smirk in Alex's response and that's when Carter threw the first punch. Carter was not someone who was used to someone questioning what he wanted. His confidence and power that night in the club had seemed attractive, even admirable qualities. How wrong had you been?

Carter threw the first punch and it landed across Alex's right cheek. Alex quickly reacted though punching Carter in the nose and you could hear the crack as his nose broke. Blood starting to pour down out of his nose as he cursed. Carter swung at Alex again and he ducked, then punching Carter in the stomach. Carter's eyes seemed to turn darker as he took in Alex and truly went after him with full force. Your mind still seemed to be in shock as it took in the sight before you. Watching punch after punch, kick after kick. This somehow ended up with the two of them on the floor beating the crap out of each other. They were moving so fast and violently you could no longer seem to tell what was happening, then you started to scream. This caused Keira to run downstairs to take in the scene.

For some reason, she was calmer about the whole situation. "So that's your douche bag boyfriend?" You glanced to Keira, then heard Alex scream out in pain. "ALEX!" Keira started to run out of the room for help as your parents ran in.Your mother immediately called 911 as your father screamed at them to break it up. You ran forward trying to break it up as well, your only thought getting to Alex. Your father tried to pull Carter away as you tried to get to Alex. As your father tried to pull him away, Carter lunged forward backhanding you across the face and kicking you in the stomach hard enough to knock you back a couple feet as you landed on the ground with a loud thud. At this, Alex lunged forward, attacking Carter again. Your father backed away this time as they continued to go at it. Your mother and Keira rushing to your side to check on you. You sat there still in shock and trembling when the police officers showed up ten minutes later.

As the police officers handcuffed Carter and put him in the back of a cop car, you were sure he was going to need medical attention. Alex had done quite a number on him. Your parents along with yourself explained that Alex was just protecting you and you explained that he'd only responded in self-defense. Carter had attacked first. The police seemed to understand Alex's response, especially after seeing all of the bruises covering you.

They took all of our statements and requested that you go to the hospital where medical reports were filed and pictures were taken of all of your injuries. Alex had also went to be checked out as well, a cop going with him to continue questioning him. By the time you left the hospital with Alex and your parents, you were exhausted.

You arrived back at the house to repeatedly assure your parents that you were fine and could be left alone. Which wasn't really alone at all since Alex would be there as well. Keira had went to a friends while we went to the hospital and your parents finally felt reassured enough to go take care of some work.

Once we were back in the house, Alex brought you to the kitchen placing you on the counter. Then he grabbed an ice pack setting it against the cheek where Carter had backhanded you and that had now developed a nice welt there. "So much for looking nice today," you grumbled taking in your appearance. It was still early afternoon and had already been an exhausting day. "You still look absolutely beautiful," Alex said with a smile, running his hands gently up and down your arms. You smirked, "I guess I do look better than you, huh?" Alex shook his head and looked down at himself  and smiled, "Definitely."

Alex had been looked over at the hospital and had walked away with no major injuries. Just a lot of cuts and bruises as well as his broken nose. "Why don't you sit down and let me take care of you?" You glanced up to take inventory of the injuries that you could see. Alex groaned, "Because I'm fine." "Liar." "I am." "You're a liar. Your face is swollen, just sit down, please. I owe you." You started to jump off the counter to grab another ice pack from the freezer, when Alex's grip on your arms tightened slightly holding you in place.

"I didn't want him to hit you again, Rhiannon. It infuriated me when he hit you again today. I felt helpless last night seeing you covered in bruises. It's not fair. I've been your best friend for a long time; I shouldn't have let this happen to you. I should have been there for you. To protect you. Plus, I love you and I hate that he ever touched you." In the moment, you didn't think much of him saying he loved you, you said it to him and Jack all the time. Another meaning to the words didn't even occur to you. You gave him a slight smile, "Possessive already, Gaskarth?" "I always was. You just never knew it." "That's why you ruined all of my relationships?" You laughed and then kissed him, your last sentence filling up the room. You didn't need him to answer, because suddenly you thought you knew.

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