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The ambulance comes and places Shouyu on the stretcher. Luckily for Shouyu, Sakura happened to be at work that day and her godmother was visiting her hospital. The driver looks at Amari and asks, "Aren't you coming?"

She looks at him in confusion.

"You ARE his girlfriend, right? You DO have on his jersey."

Amari blushes deeply when she realizes how the situation looks. She looks back as a recovering Jin and runs into the ambulance, 'Sorry Jin. The deal is off. You hurt Shouyu-kun.' Jin scowls at her departing figure. 'Crap. She must have forgotten about the details of our deal. But no matter. Takari, you're dead.'

On their way to the hospital, Shouyu's eyes begin to open a bit, he looks over to the person holding his hand. 'Who's this? Huh. Why are they crying?'

Amari looks up and sees his eyes barely open looking at her. 'S-shouyu-kun?'

'Oh its Amari.' he sighs, "Amari. We talked about the formalities and the crying. S-stop t-them b-both." he says before slipping back out of consciousness. Amari cries again, "Oh. Shouyu-kun. Even in your weakened state, you still care more about someone else than yourself. I promise to tell you everything when you've awakened."

Its been a few weeks since the big fight and Shouyu is finally back at school. This week is suppose to be the week he returns to the field but he makes a HUGE announcement at the pep rally.

"Hey guys!!" everyone cheers for the healthy Takari who heals so quickly. "I know that Im suppose to take the field tonight but I dont want to risk returning too early and lose my career in football. I've talked to my friends and our coaches about it and they all understand and I can truly say to them, thank you for understanding. So, I will not be playing tonight. But, I will be returning next week, for the biggest game of the entire regular season. Next week, at homecoming, Shouyu Takari will return."

The entire school gives him a huge standing ovation. His friends high five him as he goes to sit down. He looks over at Shouyu and gives her a smile. Amari blushes and smiles back turning her head back to Coach Takoiya.

Why has Shouyu started to trust Amari again?


Shouyu had been unconscious for two days and Amari has yet to leave the hospital. Jai and Reina have begged her to come home. She tells them no and to bring her some clothes to change into each day. She wants to be by his side each day.

Zhang and Riku have called every hour to check on him and his parents call every five minutes. Well, Yuri calls every five minutes. Liam just protests in the background.

The door opens and in comes Riku with his girlfriend, Ezra and with Menma and his wife Ayame. Menma waves to Amari and Ayame looks over at her. Amari looks up at her with her green eyes and soft, innocent gaze. "Um...hello." Hearts fill Ayames eyes and she instantly bear hugs Amari. "Mirai was right. You ARE the cutest thing ever!!!!" Hinata sweat drops and looks at Menma who just shrugs.

Riku looks at his brother who is resting peacefully. "Has he responded any?" She shakes her head no. Menma sighs and leans down. He whispers, "Come on Shouyu. I know you can hear me. Everyone is worried about you. You're driving me nuts and your mom is torturing your dad at home. Hehe. I recorded it all so you can see it when you wake up. *sigh* We're counting on you. We love you. We need you. I need you." Riku says with tears, "I live every day knowing that my brother is the better half of me. That alone drives me to be the best I can because I know you will try to be better. I look up to you. You are MY inspiration. MY favorite guy. And most of all, MY very best friend."

Riku kisses his forehead and walks back towards the door with Keiri. He hugs Amari lightly and they get ready to leave until...

"I never knew you to be the emotional type Menma. And Riku I never knew you even had emotions." a goofy yet gruff voice says. Everyone in the room eyes widen as they look down at a recovering Shouyu. He opens his eyes and instantly close them from the bright sunlight. Menma runs over and closes the blinds. Shouyu opens his sapphire eyes and looks at his twin with the smirk, "Didnt know you cared so much bro."

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