.The Flower of the Dark.

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The little girl scurries down the hallway, her footsteps echoing with every step she took. The flowers she struggled to carry fell one by one behind her leaving a trail. He followed her, picking up the pink and white Sweet Peas as he went.

Soon enough she was left with one flower. Confused, the little girl looks behind her and sees him with all the Sweet Peas she dropped. He smiled warmly and walked over to her.
His dark brown hair was disheveled and dark brown eyes smiled along with his mouth.


Shyly she takes only a few and lets him carry the rest. The little girl begins to walk and he follows her like a dog would it's owner.

"Why are you here?", he asks curiously.

She clutches the Sweet Peas in her hands, as if she were trying to strangle them. "My daddy...", she says quietly. "Why are you here?"

"Oh uhm...", he pauses. "My mom is sick."

"My daddy is too. There's something wrong with his heart."

The man looks over at the girl and gives her a sad smile. "My mom would never take care of herself..."

"Oh", the girl gets quiet and looks away from his sweet dark brown eyes. "What's your name?"

The man doesn't reply and just continues to smile. He shakes his head. "What's yours?"

"Ji-eun.", she replies calmly, not realizing how odd it was for him not to answer.

After walking slowly and talking about their favorite things to do, they get to their parent's room.

Ji-eun looks behind them, checking for any fallen flowers. Only a few petals were left behind. In the process, she could see her shadow but not the man's. He walked in and his shadow never appeared, like he wasn't human.

She chuckled, That's so cool!

They set the flowers in a vase on Ji-eun's dad's table, then the man's mom.

Ji-eun scans the women's features and sees her skin and hair the same color as the man's. That was the only thing she could see as the women had her eyes  closed, peacefully sleeping. The man plants a kiss on top of the women's head.

"How long is she gonna be this way?", Ji-eun asks.

The man shrugs in response, "Until she wakes up."

"When do you think she's gonna wake up?"

The man stared hard at his mom, as if he were trying to make her wake with his hardcore stare.

"I don't know..", he says quietly, his voice trembling.

Ji-eun stayed silent.

"I'll be back tomorrow....I think..", he mumbles as he walks away from his mom.

His legs moved quickly as if in a hurry.

"Thank you!", the girl calls out to him, but he's already turned the corner and sprinting down the hall they walked together.

The next few weeks later she walked the hallway slowly, peeking through every open door to see if he were there. Occasionally, she would check if she still had her shadow. Each time never surprised her. Most days on her visits she would bring Sweet Peas, dropping them on her way to her dad. The shadowless man never showed up. Every time upset her to see the flowers still on the floor.

One day she walked to her father, smiling once he sees his Sweet Pea.

"Are you feeling better now, daddy?"

He nods, helping her up on the hospital bed. "Now that I can see my little pea! How's your mommy?"

Ji-eun shrugs, "She misses you a lot. Mommy always goes into my room and sleeps with me because she misses you."

He smiles sadly, "I'm glad. Do you tell her I miss and love her too?"

She nods. "She feels the same exact way!"

"Yeah, it sucks that I can't see her 'till tomorrow."

"I can't wait for that!", Ji-eun says joyfully.

A loud, throaty cough comes suddenly next to them. It was the man's mom. Ji-eun leaps off her dad's bed and dawdles to the women's.

"How've you been?", she asks sweetly.

The women smiles the best she could. "I'm getting better, thank you, sweetheart."

Ji-eun gazed the women, capturing the bloody tissue and her blue, sunken eyes. On her lap lay a tray of soup with steam still flying above it.
Ji-eun couldn't help but stare at the women's skin being like a thin layer to her bones. Still, she smiled.

"Has your son been coming lately? I haven't seen in him in years!"

The women furrows her eyebrows as she looks at the little girl next to her.

"I'm sorry, sweetie, but I don't have any sons."

   Guess what?! Taehyung wore us today!! How you like dem apples Gucci?!
~Left Socko

Hope you enjoyed and sorry for any typos in any chapter!!!^^
~Right Socko

The Flower of the Dark | k.thDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora