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Or tries to.

"Hey let me in!" a voice screams from the outside.

I can't move because I don't know what I should do. Taehyung pops out of the curtain with a look of distress. "Jieun, let's go now." He speeds over and roughly takes my hand.

"We can't get out. Somebody is blocking the door!" I point and yell back at Taehyung.

He rolls his eyes, "I know, I can hear too."

I want to hit him because of his rude actions. "Ok. Just checking," I retort.

The voice calls again, "I know you two are there, so let me in! It's me, Jin!"

I run over to unlock the door, but Taehyung stops me. His grip is tight around my wrist and I can't move any closer to the door.

"Taehyung!" I shout, sick of him controlling me. "Let me open the door for him!"

He pulls me back towards himself, "I can't let you do that."

"Why not?" I raise my voice in frustration.

"Because I'm afraid you'll get hurt!" His voice roars over mine. We're both silent for a minute until the door clicks and Jin comes running to me, looking at my bloody nosed face.

"What did he do to you? Are you okay? Come here." Jin tugs me out of Taehyung's reach and envelopes me into a warm hug. "I won't let him hurt you."

I can feel him move his head to get a good sight of Taehyung. "Tae, you're overdue! If you can't make this girl happy in 3 days, then I will. It's over Taehyung, you had your chance."

It's been 3 days? And I never noticed?

"Actually," I hear Taehyung "You told me that you didn't want this job, so you gave it to me instead...So why do you suddenly want it now?"

I look up at Jin. His face is red, and he wears a smirk while staring at the man in front of him. I don't want to be in his arms anymore. I just want to go home! I push out of Jin's grasp and find myself back in Taehyung's hold.

"I see how it is, Jieun. For now," Jin chuckles. "But if you ever need me...I'll be there before you know it. Until then~ Sweet Pea." He pulls a disinfecting towel out of nowhere like a magic trick, and tosses it to Taehyung. "And since she won't let me do it, you do it for her." With those last words he leaves the Magic Shop, the last sound comes from the door as it shuts with a click.

I take a glance at Taehyung. He's scanning the room, eyes darting in every direction. His arm is wrapped around my waist and presses me close to him.

"T-Taehyung?" I find a voice in my throat. "I can do it myself."

He looks down at me, softening his expression, "No, let me. You can learn to trust me. We're a team...kind of." Taehyung then grabs my shoulders and shifts me around until our bodies face each other.

"Perfect." he bends down to my height and slowly wipes the blood off my face. We're stuck in an awkward silence for a while when Taehyung decides to speak. "Ya know, I've been thinking about that Jimin guy."

"What about that Jimin guy?" I inquire.

He stops rubbing my face with the towel and straightens up. "He's...I don't know..strange? Creepy? Insane?"

I make a face, "Jimin is really sweet and takes an interest in everything I do. You should learn from him, Mr. Tae."

Taehyung laughs, "Ew, don't make that face, you look ugly." He sighs and gazes past me. "I'm just saying...he's so mysterious..that I might actually want to get to know him."

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