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My face goes numb as Jimin slowly backs away, putting on his sweet and innocent smile. He gets up and walks over to Gayoon, then whispers something into her ear. She glances at me and a smile creeps up her face, making me even more curious of what he said. But at the same time, I don't really want to know.

Before she takes her leave, my mom gives me a wink then retreats into her room. Jimin closes the door and walks towards me, sending his adorable, cheeky grin. "Let's go wash up together!"

My eyes bulge at those words, "What?"

He shakes his head, "I mean, you know, wash our faces together. Come on, it'll be fun!"

"Oh, ok," I laugh in relief, putting my full trust in the boy for a reason unknown. "I don't have a bathroom in here, so we'll have to use the one down the hall."

"Let's go then!" He pulls me up from my sitting position, shoves me out the door, and into the hallway.

As we walk, I stop Jimin and turn to him, "Hey, what did you tell my mom?"

The orange haired boy chuckles, "It wasn't that bad. Don't worry." He ruffles my hair and we walk into the bathroom.

The room is small, but it can fit the both of us. I tie my hair up with an elastic I found hanging on the door handle. When I look at Jimin, he already has everything ready. I raise my eyebrows, "That was fast."

"Ok, Jieun, you have to stand in front of the sink with me."

I stand in front of the bathroom sink, which has a mirror placed above it, and turn the water on. I reach for the soap, but Jimin stops my hand midway. "No, Jieun~ I'll do yours and you do mine."

I nod slowly, "Ok..I'm down."

"Face me~" he sings, grabbing the soap and lathering it between his palms.

"Wait," I say and take the soap bar from his hands, put it under water, and rub the bar until there is enough suds on my hands. I put the soap aside. The sound of running water reminds me of something. "Dang, I forgot to turn of the faucet." I hold my soapy hands up. "I can't turn off the water."

Jimin pushes my hands down to my sides with his elbows. "I'll pay for your water bill, it's fine."

I disagree, "Jimin, you don't even have a job."

"Jieun," He sighs. "As much as I love hearing your voice, I don't want to hear you talk like that." He makes a face, thinking about what he just said. "You can talk about other things though...Okay, now look at me."

I face him and he starts to massage the lathered soap onto my cheeks in slow, circular motions. I gasp, "Woah, your hands are really soft!"

The boy, now moving to my forehead, smiles, "Your face is too."

I feel a little awkward, so I raise my hands up to his face. "Maybe we should do them at the same time?"

Jimin sticks out his tongue in concentration. "Mhm," he mumbles, not entirely paying attention to my question.

I decide to go for the nose first, then move on to the cheeks, jaw, chin, and finally his forehead. I draw a bubble mustache below his nose and giggle at the sight. His hands go tense as I create a beard to go with it. I point to the mirror once I finish my masterpiece, laughing like crazy when I see his reaction. 

"Should I grow a beard?" He winks to himself in the mirror, causing me to laugh some more. "Nah, I might look like a totally different person!" Jimin turns to me and smiles creepily, "Now it's your turn."

I feel him add a beard, mustache and he even makes these really long sideburns onto my face. "Can I see now?" I ask impatiently.

"Yeah!" The bubble bearded boy laughs just as hard as I did earlier.

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