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I place my hand on my face, my index finger tapping on my forehead like it'll help get this thought out of my mind

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I place my hand on my face, my index finger tapping on my forehead like it'll help get this thought out of my mind.

Can you really not feel her lips? I lick mine imagining ours touching. I smile a bit. Why did Jieun have to kiss her mom in front of me?

I hear a familiar someone chuckle and say, "What are you smiling about, Taehyung?"

I glance up at Jin and shake my head. My smile disappears since I know Jieun wouldn't dare to kiss me, and that I don't want to tell Jin the real reason. "Nothing." I sit up from my slouched position. I thought I was the only one in my apartment. "When did you get here?"

"Just now." he sits right next to me on my couch. Jin holds a strawberry flavored milk in his hand, and jabs a straw at the top of the small bottle with his other. "I know it's not nothing, Tae. You might as well tell me now because you know I'll eventually find out. Did something happen when you took Jieun to her house from the Magic Shop?"

"Uh.." I face away from Jin when he asks me that, and I cover my mouth when a small smile creeps onto me. I see Jieun peck a kiss on her mom's cheek repeating over and over in my mind, and imagine feeling them myself. Oh I hate you, Jieun. I can feel my smile grow wider and my face getting hot. "Nope."

"I can help you if you want. But.." he shrugs, "that depends if you're willing to...considering the costs and all."

I face him and he raises his eyebrows, smiling. Jin doesn't ever have to hear anyone's words to know what's wrong with them. He already knows before even asking. It's a flaw that I've always hated he had – of course he knows that – but sometimes the helpful part of him shows and that's what keeps me from ever hating him. When Jin – or any of my hyungs – offers to help, it's usually because they want something to happen and get something in return.

Though I want to go on with whatever Jin has planned, I know Jieun wouldn't like it since she seems like the type of person to have a special first kiss. I have known that ever since we first met; I knew a lot about her that would take an average person years to find out.

I frown and gulp, preparing myself to say something that I hate to admit. "Jieun doesn't like-"

"Aish, she doesn't need to know!" Jin interrupts me and when I look at him I can see only a silhouette standing next to me. I question the way Jin looks at this moment. He nods his head to the side. My head snaps over to a bed in front of us with two bodies on it; Jieun cuddled up to Jimin. I can feel my heart sink and I can't find myself to face them. I clench my jaw and fists feeling like Jin is just teasing me by making me see them together as if they are a real couple.

Jieun likes Jimin more than I thought? I should've known that I wouldn't have gotten a chance...

"Jin. What is this?"

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