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"You know, where all the people who have sinned go?"

I don't say anything while Taehyung keeps steering me downtown. What did I think this all was? Is it because I never allowed myself to fully accept the death of my dad? No, Taehyung must be pulling some sort of joke on me. But...somethings would make sense of what he's saying is true.

We come to a halt in front of a run-down restaurant. It's abandoned now. Ever since the owner died from a tragic accident, the business completely collapsed.

As I stare at the poor looking place, I start to remember something. My dad always came here with his close friend, who had been the owner of the store. Everything hits me, the small clues falling into place. I turn to Taehyung, but he's nowhere to be seen.

"Taehyung!" I scream, frantically searching for the boy.

When I turn around, the once rundown restaurant is fixed up, with waiters and waitresses busily making their way to serve the many customers. I glance up. The sky is back to being filled with colorful planets and a now crimson red atmosphere.

Looking through the window, I see the backs of a girl with long, pitch black hair and a slightly taller boy with red hair, both dressed up as employees of the store. They seem different than the others around here, sort of like Taehyung and his friend.

I decide to go into the building in front of me labeled,"Eat Jin," where I had eaten the fruit flavored chicken, in hopes of finding Taehyung. The place is a lot bigger than I remember. In the back, past the seating areas, is a ballroom where someone plays the piano.

I can't enter the room without being in proper dress code, so I dismiss the urge to go inside and see the face of whoever plays that beautiful tune.

Maybe you just need something to eat, you didn't eat breakfast after all.

Noticing the bar to my right, I walk up to it and take a seat in one of the blue stools. A bartender hasn't shown up yet. As I wait quietly, three voices make their way into my ear, and I can't help but eavesdrop on the strangers.

"He should be performing right now, he's the one on the piano."

"Do I have to wear this dress? It's so flashy."

"Don't worry, you look beautiful in anything"

"Hurry up and get him before it's too late!"

These voices sound all too familiar...but who else do I know here? No one. With that thought settled, I forget about how the voices sound like. A bartender finally appears, making something that I can't quite see because he's facing away from me.

He has blonde hair, which is nicely groomed, and broad shoulders that his black, sheer shirt allow to show off. Humming, he fluently mixes a drink for one of the thirsty guests.

This man also seems awfully famili-

The bartender turns around and drops his glass at the sight of me, breaking into small pieces. His eyes are wide open in surprise.



Seeing him like this shocks me. In pink hair, he gave off a delicate and innocent feeling. Now with blonde hair, it's different, it's more masculine and...hot? That shirt he wears almost makes the memory of him with pink hair vanish. Gosh, there's no way that he's actually this handsome.

Jin looks down at himself, "Oh, this is just a uniform. Anyways, let's get you out of here." He abandons the bar and rushes to me, pulling me up from my seat. "Where's Taehyung?" He whispers in a panicked way.

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