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"I have to," Taehyung whispers, still hovering over me.

"Jin's going to kill you!" I whisper back in response.

Taehyung pushes me closer to the wall of the booth I'm in, so he can sit next to me.

"That isn't possible," He grins his classic box smile.

Before I can ask him what he meant, it was as if he read my mind. He puts his right arm around my shoulders and starts to sway from side to side, shaking the both of us.

"Jin is my best friend! He can't do any harm!"

"Ok, ok. I get it," I tap his arm so he can remove it. Then I remember why I am here in the first place. "Weren't you hurt? Why did you come?"

"Oh, that, you don't need to worry about it. I'm fine." He takes a look at the area surrounding him. "Why did you two come to 'Eat Jin?' That is the real question."

I give him a confused look, "Is there something wrong with this place?"

He shrugs, "Eh, I mean, there are SO many places that are WAY better than here."

Then, out nowhere, a familiar voice yells, "Hey! How dare you talk about 'Eat Jin' like that? At least I know more about proper cuisine than you do!" An angered Jin approaches the booth where Taehyung and I sit at.

Taehyung laughs, "Proper cuisine? What even is that?"

"Exactly my point!" Jin huffs.

At the same time, they both turn to face me. Taehyung, with his elbow resting on the table, and his chin presses into the palm of his hand from the same arm. Jin, has his hands on his hips, shirt halfway tucked in, and this time lacking his beautiful jean jacket. His cheeks are pink from being upset upset at Taehyung.

When Taehyung moves his hand that once held his head, I see something that I wish I hadn't.

Jin's pants are unzipped!

I immediately cover my eyes and just freeze.

I hear Jin say aloud, "What's wrong? You don't need to cover your eyes -- I already told you this before we got here."

Taehyung rips my hands off my face and I look away, blushing like crazy.

"What's wrong, Miss Ji?" Taehyung asks in a way just like a kid would to his dying pet rock.

"Um..J-Jin?" I stutter.

"What's the problem, sweetheart?" Jin asks in his calming voice, totally unaware of what I am going to say next.

"Did you use the bathroom? Because-"

"Yes, I washed my hands, you silly girl! Now look at me so I can see your face," Jin interrupts me before I can finish.

I slowly turn around, eyes closed of course. I point at Jin, exactly where I don't know. "Your pants.."

There is a silence besides the shuffling of other guests that are eating. More silence. I decide to open my eyes, but nothing has changed. Jin still stands there, pants unzipped and shirt halfway tucked. This time instead of facing me, they stare at each other, their expression read: we just messed up.

"Jin!" I shout, trying to keep from looking away.

Instantly, they both snap out of whatever they were doing.

"Oh my gosh! Jieun! I didn't do this on purpose! I promise!" Jin exclaims as he awkwardly shifts away from me to fix himself.

Taehyung attempts to cover my eyes with one hand while the other he uses to whack Jin with. "I can't believe you did that! I bet you did that on purpose you perv!"

"Ow! Stop it! Stop hitting me!"

"Fine...then I'll kick you! Jieun, don't hang out with this guy ever again! There's no telling what could have happened!"

After Taehyung gave Jin a few possible bruises, a waiter comes to our booth. Jin quickly sits down when the waiter sends him a glance. The pink headed boy chooses to sit on the same seat that Taehyung and I sit on, causing me to press up into the wooden wall that keeps us from the booth directly beside us. With three grown people cramped up in one side of the booth I am sure that neither of us can breathe. Especially me.

"G-Guys, I can't breathe."

I guess no one hears me because the waiter starts to speak, "What do you want to order?"

I can't get over the fact how he says this in such an emotionless way- almost zombie like.

"Fruit flavored chicken for all of us!" Jin chirps. "And could you include extra strawberry chicken please?"

The waiter nods and leaves, not asking if we wanted drinks or desert.

" I give a -1 star rating on this place. They didn't even ask if we wanted any type of sauce!" Taehyung pouts.

"Ehem, Tae, I can't breathe!" I squirm around in my small space, trying to get the best comfort from it, but nothing works.

"Hmm.." Taehyung looks around, and it seems as if he is genuinely thinking about how to find a way to give me a better spot to sit. "You can sit here just for now, but don't move too much!" He picks me up and sets me on his lap, leaving me in a stiff and awkward state. "Can you breathe better now?" He asks in his innocent child voice.

In reality, this is worse. I hold my breath and try not to move. "Way better," I do my best not to sound like I really am preventing myself from breathing.

"What's this?" a voice from beside me suddenly speaks and it makes me jump.

Taehyung giggles, "Don't move! It feels funny!"

The same voice that had startled me came from none other than Jin. I look over to Jin, his shirt is tucked in and, finally, his pants are zipped up. He is standing up now, and then bends down to jerk me away from Taehyung plus the booth itself.

"Sweetie, let me sit next to Tae instead, okay? You can be the one to sit across from us with all of that space. Perfect for breathing!"

I nod and sit in the seat across from then as Jin shoves Taehyung against the wooden wall I had been suffocating from.

"Calling ME a perv, huh? What about YOU? Don't tell me you didn't plan for that to happen, did you?" I feel lost as I watch the two argue.

Why am I really here? When do I get actual answers? How do I see my dad like Taehyung said?

Then I feel a tap on my shoulder. It's the waiter from before.

"Here's your chicken." He hands me the box saying something again, but in a low whisper, "Please feed your friends because they seem hungry."

What does that mean?

"Oh, and here are all the 5 sauce flavors that we have available. We are currently out of wasabi, so please excuse that." Giving the two bickering boys a final glance, he leaves our booth once again.

I clear my throat, "Ehm, hey, chicken's here!"

They both snap their heads towards me.

"Oh, finally! I was getting super hungry!"

" I bet you were," Jin resents.

  "Well, I wasn't the one that showed poor Jieun my.." Taehyung whispers, "blah blah blah."

"AND OKAYYY!" I tell and shove pieces of flavored chicken into their mouths so they can shut up. "Let's just eat!"

Next chapter will be DEFINITELY more serious!!!!!!
...it's still Saturday...shhhhh

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