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"Ji-eun!", a familiar voice sings. "Hello?"

I force my droopy eyes to open, and to my surprise, I am still with Taehyung. I groan as he continues to poke my face with his skinny finger.

I thought the whole thing was just a dream...

"Ah!," he smiles a rectangular grin. "You're awake! I actually thought I killed you."

My head is pounding too much for me to even pay attention to the weird things he is saying.

"I didn't check how many pills I put in your tea.", he giggles. "I just knew it would work."

I slowly sit up and realize I'm still in his apartment. Everything looks exactly the same before I got knocked out, only it is darker outside.

"Are you okay?," he asks, his goofy self being replaced with concern.

I give him a look. He sits next to me with the delivery in his hands.

"Why'd you drug me? What was the point of that?" I try to say as loud as I can, but it comes out weak.

He smiles, "You'll see."

Taehyung gets up and mumbles 'stay here' as he walks away. I look around and see that I wasn't in any way held hostage. I'm just sitting on his sofa freely.

"If this is a kidnapping attempt, then he failed," I whisper to myself.

I peek into the dark hallway to see if he is coming, but all I hear are things being shuffled around. I look back at the door behind me and see that it wasn't fully closed.

I take a deep breath, "This is my chance!"

I didn't want to know what this Taehyung fella had in mind, and I didn't want to stick around to find out. I have to get home to my mom. Knowing her, she probably called the cops a thousand times by now.

Quickly, I get up from the sofa and rush to the door. The cold air smacks my face once I open it, and I stumble back. My head begins to spin, but I keep going.

"Ji-eun?" Taehyung calls out and my heart drops.

Hurry, hurry!

I run out of his apartment and try to remember which way I came from. Spotting the staircase to my left, I run in that direction. "Ji-eun!" I hear him call my name again as I'm stumbling down the hallway as fast I can. For a brief second, I stop at the steps to make sure I don't trip on any cats. No cats. Running down the steps nearly makes me fall which terrifies my more at the moment than being chased.As soon as I reach the bottom, I swing the gate open and run towards the sidewalk about 50 feet away.

Once I reach the sidewalk, I slow my pace to blend in with the public.

He shouldn't be stupid enough to do something risky with so many people around.

I glance back and see that Taehyung isn't anywhere near me.

"He didn't run after me?.." I question, yet feeling relief at the same time.

Before turning around, the people around me catch my eye. The full moon was out and I could see my shadow, but the people around me never seem to have one. My eyes skim every person in my view, and no one besides me had a shadow of their own.

I furrow my eyebrows, "That's weird...but why is it so-"

Suddenly, as I turn back around I slam into something hard and realize it is a person. I laugh with embarrassment and look up at the man, who is twice my height.

"I'm sorry, sir. I wasn't paying attention!"

I freeze, staring into the man's eyes. They are dark, but I can clearly see that his entire eyes are both pitch black things.

The Flower of the Dark | k.thWhere stories live. Discover now