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"Nothing, I just need to get my pills." I scratch the back of my head, staring at the girl I stand in front of.

Her expression is blank, appearing as if she can see right through me. The blood from her nose is dry now, and with the way she looks I just can't help but laugh. "Miss Ji, let's go, we don't have time to play around." All I'm focused on is getting my pills and going back to finding Jieun's dad, nothing more.

"I know, but-"

Taehyung cuts me off, "Don't worry about it. Pay attention to your surroundings, because I won't be with you the whole time here." He starts to walk forward, shoulders tense and mind alert.

I run up beside him and glance around. "Pay attention to you surroundings he says," I mumble to myself. "Well I can do that."

When I turn my head to look to my left all I see is a Taehyung's face in front of my own. "Agh!" I jump back. "You scared me!"

He smiles slowly, making it creepy for me. "Don't think that I can't hear you, Jieun."

I nod and decide that maybe I should view the right instead of left. Taehyung chuckles and I find myself forced to face the black haired man. "And don't think that anyone else can't hear you either...even when you think you're alone."

"Got it," I nod my head and make a gesture that shows me zipping my mouth closed.

He scoffs and rolls his eyes then turns his attention to the land in front of him.

What did I do? He was nice to me a bit ago, now he's...a little moody.

As I behold the scenery before me, Taehyung starts to speak, "If anyone tries to talk to you please ignore them."

I nod, "Ok."

"Good, let's go."

We walk towards the place where the tall skyscrapers are held. I can walk more freely because the grass shortens as we near the city-like area.

I feel a tap on my shoulder. "Huh?"

  It's Taehyung holding his hand out. "This is only because I don't trust you or anyone here. Don't get any ideas, okay? So, take my hand...please?"

I look up to see his face. He's biting the bottom of his lip and stares at the floor. Why does he act so weird?

I laugh at his actions, "Ok, ok, chill." I take his hand and grasp it firmly.

With a pull on my arm, we make our way to the entrance of the city, where a man in green stands in front of a metal gate.

"Taehyung," I whisper, "Who's this?"

He whispers back, "He checks if everyone belongs here. Don't worry, I have you covered."

"Ok then.." I smile.

We meet the man at the gate and he starts first, "Hey, you two, get over here."

The boy who holds my hand takes a deep breath, and points to himself, "I'm Kim Taehyung." He points to me, "And this is Han Jieun." He bobs his head for each syllable of our names.

The man who stands at the gate seems unamused, "Incident?"

"Poisoning and drowning."

  The man shrugs and opens the gate, allowing us to to enter the city. "Wait a second..."

Taehyung and I both snap our attention to the gate man, afraid of what he might be able to do.

"Are you Han Jieun the daughter of Han Doseok?"

I gasp, "Yes! You know him?"

"As a matter of fact I did, he never liked me, and look where he is now!"

"What?" I furrow my eyebrows.

A hand suddenly slaps over my mouth. "That's enough, Jieun, we'll be going now. Thank you for your help sir."

I'm shoved into the city. Taehyung still holds my hand, but uncovers my mouth. "What did I tell you?!" he yells, his hand crushing mine. "You have to listen to me for just this once, okay?" He gazes straight into my eyes, genuine worry striking his face.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I promise I won't say anything to strangers."

"Why do I have the feeling like that won't last for long?" Taehyung shakes his head and drags me through the crowded streets of slow moving...people?

We stop at a small building, or rather the side of one. A door is engraved into the yellow, aging skyscraper with the word 'TRUTH' etched in it. Taehyung lets go of my hand to knock on the door. No response.

We wait quietly in awkward silence until there is a click at the door.

"Is it unlocked?" I ask.

"Yeah, I think so." He opens the door and as soon as I step in, a strange feeling overcomes me.

"Taehyung, what is this place?" I question him in a quiet voice.

He responds in the same tone as I, "Welcome to the Magic Shop. This is the place where you can find true happiness."

I raise an eyebrow, "Are you sure? This place seems like a pretty sketchy place for that." I look around, the room is set under a purple light that hangs from the low but high enough to walk under ceiling. There are small things that lay around everywhere such as lollipops, flowers, shattered mirror pieces, lighters, and thousands of photographs.

One in particular catches my eye. It's a picture of Taehyung, but he isn't alone, he is with another person. A man. He is strikingly familiar and as soon as I figure out whom this person is I want to ask so many questions I know I won't get the answers to.

In the far left of the small room is a red curtain that leads to a place unknown.

"Jieun, stay here and don't go anywhere." Taehyung gives me a glare, " Don't talk to anyone, got it?"

"Got it," I murmur and make another zipping-my-mouth gesture.

"Ok," He sighs. "I'll be just behind this curtain. Only I can go in, so if you need me just holler." Tae smiles and ruffles my hair before disappearing behind the thick, red velvet curtain, separating me from whatever goes on in that mysterious room.

I take a deep breath and turn to study the many photos. "They all look so happy...I wonder what made them appear on this wall."

Then, I see another picture. This one is of me. I'm inside the Magic Shop in this exact spot, except the building is in flames.

"How..how did this get here?" I frantically search for someone else, but only I am in the room.

I try to stay calm until someone breaks down the door.

We feel bad for lying (or just Right Sock) ...but we didn't think we'd be busy last Saturday. We swear that we weren't lazy!! We will continue trying to post on time, so please enjoy this chapter where things get JUICY. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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