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"Shut up, Taehyung." I feel my heart continue to race after the whole 'Jimin situation' happened literally 30 seconds ago. "He's usually not like that!"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, Jieun, you should know.." Taehyung shakes his head, "That supposedly 'sweet' people like him turn on you." He looks at his empty Coke bottle, "Or just go plain crazy."

I remember the Sweet Pea that Jimin had given to me earlier today and how he ran all the way from the flower shop to the hospital, where I had been walking at the time.

"Welp, that kid needs some help, that's for sure.", Taehyung says, starting to gulp down on the second bottle of soda.

"Hey! That's mine!" I scowl at Taehyung, who's not paying any attention to me.

He shakes his head and gasps for air after taking a long drink, "Who said I bought it for you?"

"You said that you'd buy drinks for US not just for YOU."

Taehyung shrugs, "Sorry."

My mouth hangs open in amazement. I can't believe this guy!

"And about buying them-"

He is interrupted by someone yelling, "Hey! You two! Get back over here and pay! I am contacting the police right now!"

I gasp, "I forgot to pay!"

Taehyung grins, "Same here!" He drops the empty bottles, making a shrill, shattering sound as they burst into small shards against the solid cement. He takes my hand and says in a low voice, still smiling, "Can you run?"

"What are you talking abou-" he yanks on my arm and sprints off towards a gloomy alley, dragging me with him.

"He's calling the cops! What should we do?" I panic as Taehyung slows down in the middle of the alleyway.

"Wasn't that fun?" He laughs, letting go of my hand.

"Fun? That was fun?", I start walking in a circle around him. "We got the cops called on us, and I'm pretty sure that they can use Jimin as a witness." I walk faster, heart racing. "Maybe he has some past crisis with his family?" I wonder.

What Jimin told me comes back into my mind, you're all I ever want! Jieun, I need you-

Also, what did he need to say before he cut himself off?

"But how can I help him?" I unconsciously mutter.

Taehyung chimes in, "Does he have any other friends than you?"

I shrug, "Actually, I don't really know. He's never spoken about anyone else to me." Does he really have no one else?

An idea pops into my brain. "Aha!" I shout, placing my right fist onto my left palm, like a judge would with a gavel on a sound block. "I got it!"

"What do you got?" Taehyung turns to face me as I circle him, but I soon pass him.

"Maybe you can be Jimin's friend!" I exclaim, forgetting all about the police.

"What?!" He yells, forgetting about them too. "I can't befriend that psycho!" He keeps rotating to face me until I am stopped by him sticking his arm out to catch me. "Shush, be quiet." He whispers and pulls me closely to his chest, making me freeze.

I question if he can feel my heart beating, because I can't detect a single heartbeat in him. Then, a piercing sound of whirring police sirens become louder.

Taehyung smiles, "I guess we better run now, shouldn't we?"

I nod and is suddenly pulled into another alleyway, narrower and darker than the one we were previously in.

This grip on my arm isn't as harsh and rough as Taehyung's usually is. I try to look around me, but I only see blurs of the alley walls while we zoom through the passage. Then we come to a stop. A dead end.

The gentle grip still remains adhered on my wrist. This definitely doesn't feel like Taehyung. To find out who owns the tender hold, I look up. This definitely isn't Taehyung.

The familiar man, who now realizes I am staring at him, smiles. His hair is a light pink and it goes along perfectly with his incredibly handsome features, making him look as winsome as an idol. He wears an elegant, black denim jacket over a white undershirt with a red collar decorated among small, meticulous laces traveling down to his chest. Simple black slacks and matching shoes finish up the outfit, making me want to change into something better than just a t-shirt and leggings.

How did I not see their clothes change? Who is this person?

Then it clicks, that's the guy I saw with Taehyung..in that one place...what's his name again?

Finally, I'm able to speak, "W-Where's Taehyung?" I ask cautiously.

He smiles then raises my hand up close to his full lips. "I sent him down for a while, don't worry...Jieun," He breathes on the back of my hand.

I give him a confused look, "Sent him down? Wha-"

A chill goes through my body as he sets his plump lips onto my hand, keeping that position for a second and guides my hand back down to my side.

Flustered, I look away from his entire presence and glance at the wall beside me. "I'm actually really confused...and how Taehyung is replaced by you..." I feel like crying, but I don't know why.

The pink haired man notices that I'm feeling mentally stressed, and before I can say anything else, he embraces me. Oddly, being in this person's arms is comforting. I keep my emotions together until he starts stroking my head and sympathetically says in my ear, "I'm so sorry, Jieun."

All of my hard work trying to keep my feelings in is just for nothing. Now, I'm crying just as Jimin had moments ago. Pain clutches at my heart, and I can do nothing but cry.

The man presses me up against him, his towering height causes his wide shoulders to arch over me. He's shaking. Is he crying too?

When I settle down, I look up to face the man that is tightly wrapped around me. His eyes are puffed up from crying along with me. Then, he looks down at me and says, "Things might be hard to take for a while, so just..at least remember our names."

"B-But, what is your-"

"Name?" He has a compassionate look on his face, " Jin is what everyone calls me, so just call me Jin."

Jin..this must be the guy that made Taehyung reveal those wings.

"Okay?" Jin stares into my eyes, waiting for a response.

"Okay," I squeak out, still dazed about every previous event that has happened since Taehyung entered my life.

Jin takes both of my hands this time, and I feel my face heat up. "Now close your eyes. When you get there, Taehyung will be by your side instead of me. I will count to three and you should be there."

I nod again then close my eyes.


Wait, where exactly is..'there'?

"Two." There is a pause. "And remember, when you arrive there you must decide where to go. Your wings will guide you."

My wings?


The whole world around me goes silent, as if it is waiting for me to make my next move.

Daily Socks Note ::
WaTcH The BaSE LinE!
Which was your favorite song from Hope World?
(If you aren't already dead)

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