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Jin, who's in front of me, leans his elbow on the table, chin pressed into his palm. "So, Jieun, tell me what you do know first."

Taehyung, on my right, shakes his head, "No, No, let's just tell her, so I can get her back home."

I nod, "I agree with Taehyung, and I really don't know that much..." The rundown image of Eat Jin flashes through my mind. "Except..I think I've put some things together."

Jin raises his eyebrows and smirks, "Oh yeah? Go ahead and say it, Dear, We're listening."

I swallow, eyeing both of the men in front of me. "...Eat Jin...my father has been there before. Multiple times."

The trickling water sound soothes the unsettling silence.

"He had a good friend that he used to constantly hang out with. I never got to know his name or see him that much, but I do remember my mom telling me about this restaurant he owned."

The two boys look a each other with small grins upon their faces.

"Although- " I go back to explaining until Taehyung butts in.

"We know what you're talking about. Let us do the rest."

Jin sits up, letting out a low sigh, "okay, Jieun's a smart girl, so she should be able to pick things up quickly." He slides off his denim jacket and hangs it on the back of his chair. "That's correct. Your dad did hang out with his friend a lot. Did. And I'm sure you've considered me as his friend at least once. It's true, I was your father's close friend and the former owner of Eat Jin."

I feel like things are flying right over my head. Isn't this what you wanted, Jieun?

To be honest, I don't know what I want anymore.

The man across from me smiles. "Gosh, when did my Sweet pea get so smart?" He doesn't wait for an answer and continues with his explanation, "if you haven't figured it out already, I'll just give it to you straight forward.

"D-Dead?" I ask in a soft voice. This has all come to mind at one point, but it was just too crazy to consider it again. I feel my head start to pound, but quickly push away the pain.

"Makes sense now, right?" The boy on my right taps the bronze table out of boredom.

That... might explain the weird things that they can do, but what about Taehyung's wings?

"His wings?" Jin stands up this time, taking me aback from the fact that he read my mind. "Want to see them again? I have some too. We all do. Except you of course."

"We? Inform me about this first," I demand.

"Yeah," Taehyung laughs. "Tell her about the things my hyungs and I can do first, before you show off your body."

Jin's face flushes into a color as pink as his hair. "I-I am not going to show off my body! Just my wings, and my upper body just happens to be exposed too. For the last time, they're not your hyungs!"

I sigh, "Just tell me already!"

Taehyung smiles, "He's taking forever, so let me fill you in." The boy scoots closer as Jin sits on the table. "I'm something called an edge demon. Jin is one too, but he's more powerful than anyone else here. Oh, and you also know that you're in Hell right?" He waits for a response.

Jieun, don't freak out. Just except everything as it is. This is too unreal to be true.

"Yeah..." I say. Things are going way too fast for me.

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