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Why is her bag here? I hold Jieun's bag tightly in my hands.

"There's only one person that could have done this." I run my fingers through my hair in distress trying to recall the man I saw with Jieun's name. "Argh! I can't remember!" I tug at my hair because that's what I deserve for not knowing where she is and who she's with. I can't lose her.. she's all I have. "That's it!"
I swing Jieun's purse over my shoulder and race to the one place that might know whom this dreadful person is.


I slow down my pace as I encounter the short, rectangular building. "This is it," I pant, still clutching the bag, even though it's secure on my shoulder. The police department. I've never been to a police department, and I never wanted to either. But that was before today. If I want to get Jieun back and put that other jerk behind bars, I'll have to go inside.

"This is for you, my flower girl." I roll my shoulders back and inhale deeply, making my chest puff out. "I'll make sure you are safe, here with me."

I reach out for the door handle that says 'pull' on it and pull. It doesn't budge. "What the?" I pull once again. Nothing. Then I start to become desperate for the door to open. I begin to bang on the glass door, trying to get someone's attention so they can let me in. I feel like a fool, but I don't care. Why? Because Jieun is in danger...I can feel it.

"Open the door! I have no time for this!" People stare at me like I just did the impossible. I raise my fist to hit the the door once again until a tall, muscular man with a black mustache from the inside of the department comes to the door. He pulls it from his side, causing it to open. I stand in the open doorway, surprised from how the label had misinformed me.

He says in a gruff voice, "Are you coming in or not?"

"Oh, yes sir, thank you." I nod, then dash to the nearest counter available.

"Heheh, nice bag you got there." I hear him say.

The person behind the counter is a woman with short, black hair and wears miniature, rectangular glasses that sit on the tip of her nose. "Uhm, excuse me, ma'am?" I clear my throat.

She immediately takes out a pen and a small slip of paper that remind me of her glasses. "Just put the name of your pet and a few descriptions. I'm sure someone will find it."

I can't believe she said that me to me! Missing pet? Do I look like a kid to her?

"I'm sorry?" I scoff, pressing my lips into a straight line. "My friend is missing." My voice wavers as I try to keep my cool.

The woman looks up at me and pushes her glasses up the slightest amount. "Name?" she interrogates.

"Her name is Jieun. Han Ji Eun." At least I know her family name..as if that's enough to keep her.

The woman has a look of relief on her face. "Han? As in Han Ga Yoon?" Han Ga yoon, that's Jieun's mother's name. How does she know her?

"Um, I'm sorry for asking, but how do you know Ms. Han?" I ask, an uneasy feeling bubbles inside of me.

The lady takes her glasses off and points to a room behind her. "Ms. Han has been staying with us since last night," she pauses to look at my reaction.

I nod my head, "I see..may I speak with her for a second?"

The woman in front of me smiles, "Go ahead!"

"Thank you!" I give a half bow and rush into the room she directed me to. As I step into the room, I notice a tiny woman curled up in a white bed sheet, sitting on a narrow, black leather couch. She's sound asleep.

I smile and walk to her. "Jieun looks so much like you." I frown, "I bet you're stressed about this.." Kneeling, I stroke her head, "Don't worry, I'll make sure to find her, and I'll take care of her...forever."

She slowly opens her eyes, startling me. I remove my hand quickly. "Did you sleep well, Ms. Han?"

The petite woman sits up and fixes her hair. "I told you not to call me Ms. Han anymore. You're Jieun's boyfriend after all, so get used to calling me by my name."

Boyfriend...Boyfriend...she has one...and it's not me...it's not me...it's not me?

"Jimin, are you okay?" she stands up, making me snap back into reality.

I stand, hovering over her and shake my head, "About as much as you are." I hold up Jieun's purse. "This is the last of what I've seen of her before she was kidnapped."

Gayoon gasps, "Kidnapped? My Jieun?" she covers her mouth with one hand, the other snagging the bag out of my hands. She tries to, except I hold it tight in my grip.

"I'm sorry...Gayoon, but this is very dear to me. And I don't think I can easily let go."

She uses the free hand to overlap the occupied one, and then begins to cry.

"Ah! D-Don't cry!" I look down at Jieun's purse. "I think I know who took her."

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