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He doesn't seem harmful or angry like he did before. He gives off the, 'I've missed you,' sort of feeling. At least that's what I am detecting from him. Taehyung runs toward me, and I instinctively retract. The innocently confused face he wears makes me angry.

Does he think that he can suddenly be kind to me, after all the horrible things he's put me through, and expect instant forgiveness? He'll have to try harder than that.

"What are you doing, Jieun?" The man, now in front of me, implores. "I'm doing this for you."

Lies. He just wants to become human again. I take a deep breath and look around for Jin, but he appears to have already left.

Taehyung pokes his head up. "Are you going to say anything?"

"Will you shut up?"

The words slip out from me, and I bite down on my tongue. "You always say something dumb whenever you open your mouth."

The dark haired man has his eyes wide open, startled from my words. He holds his hands out as if he's surrendering. "Okay, okay, I understand where you're coming from, but I honestly didn't expect you to say that." He scrunches his face up like someone would to hold a sneeze in.

"Are...are you okay? What's wrong?"

He dashes to the kitchen, coming back with a paper towel to his nose, covering it. His hands are smudged with black. "I'm having a slight problem, Miss Ji." He stumbles to the coffee table and reaches for his bottle of pills.

Oh no. Not this again.

I hurry over to Taehyung, who still holds the paper towel up against his face, and sit him down onto one of his red couches. Black trickles down from his quivering lip.

"The pill..." He coughs out.

Forgetting all about how I'm not able to touch them, I grab the bottle. No matter how hard I try to open the bottle, it just won't budge.

"Taehyung!" I panic. "I can't open it!"

His face grows more tired and worn each second that passes by. He smiles weakly and holds out his hand. Reluctantly, I take his hand, warmth escaping my fingertips as it transfers to the other's.

Once again, holding the edge demon's hand, I try to open the bottle. It snaps open.

Shaking, I pour out two pills into Taehyung's mouth, filled with the black liquid, and wish for him to be back to normal.

"Please." A soft whisper enunciates from me. "Please stay alive."

Then, Taehyung jerks up, gagging, and covers his mouth with both of his hands, not caring about the paper towel that fell down to the floor. Just as fast as he went to the kitchen he went to the bathroom. I wince as the painful sound of vomiting echoes from the bathroom.

Slowly, as the sound dies down, I creep into the room. A crouched Taehyung gasps in exhaustion over the toilet. Low curses fall from his mouth in between gasps.

"T-Tae...tell me what's wrong."

He takes in a shaky breath, parting his lips to speak, but he gags and lunges for the toilet again. That's when I notice the significant smell of vomit is lacked.

Taehyung feebly rests himself against the sink's cupboard and looks upwards. "I'm dying..." He clenches his fists. "I don't want to die...not like this...not again..." His breathing starts to even and the black from his pale face dries away.

Dang... he's good. I'll forgive him.

Taehyung stands up, shuddering at the mess he's made. "I'll go clean this up. You can leave or stay. It doesn't matter to me anymore."

I stand back, shocked from how he didn't force me to stay. At first, I leave him alone in the bathroom, planning to go home and forget all about Taehyung and edge demons. But something told me that I should stay.

Now, standing in the middle of his living room, I ask myself.

Why should I stay? What should I do here?

Help Taehyung become a human. That's what I should do. In fact, I'm going to make sure he becomes a human once again.

Starting now.

Quickly, I rush into the bathroom, where the dark haired male is sorting things into the cupboard. I grab his wrist, prying him up from the floor. "We're going to find my dad. Now."

"We are?" A devilish smile appears on his face. "Then you're going to have to let me lead the way." He spins me around and suddenly I'm behind him, my wrist concealed in his grasp.

We travel down the dark hallway and Taehyung pushes me into one of the walls, which I can't see because it's too dark. It feels as if I'm falling in an endless void, but the falling feeling stops and the darkness fades into a dim lighted room. A burning smell fills the room. To my right, I spot a door, it's handle a glowing hot red.

Something behind that door is burning. Before I even near the door, someone stops me from doing so, "Careful, you don't want to go that way. It'll be bad for the both of us." Turning around, I see Taehyung standing in his black T-shirt. "We are where the demons stay. We like to call this suite sorrow. Funny right? Although it was never really given a name."

This place definitely gives off a different impression than any of the other places I've been to here. Taehyung pulls me into the direction of one of the other black walls, placing his hands onto them as if he's trying to detect something.

Finally, after approximately touching 14 different areas of darkness, his hands sink directly into the walls. He pulls his hands out and shoves me into the darkness once again, following close behind. Now, the burning smell completely gone, we enter a different room. Just as the one before, the room is almost pitch black. In the middle, a light shines down upon a navy blue umbrella. Just by the look of it makes me feel depressed.

Once again, Taehyung races towards the walls, this time finding two openings across from each other. He glances at the umbrella and takes the right opening, dragging me along with him.

"What is this?" I whisper yell.

"It's a maze!" Taehyung responds in the same manner. He stops as soon as we reach the third room.

Now, this room is filled with small plastic donuts and little airplane models.

What the heck? Donuts? Airplanes?

"They're clues." Taehyung says, picking up one of the false donuts from the ground and looks underneath it. "If you want to find your dad, you'll have to help me get through this first. Are you ready, Miss Ji?"

"WHAT?" I shriek.

He smiles his classic box smile, "Yeah, you're ready."

This is getting real exciting.

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