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  | doesn't look like a mugshot, but shhh just pretend. But wooow look at TAEEEE

I can't let him touch Jieun.

My eyelids feel heavy, as does every part of my body, but I force myself up in a slow, painful movement to where I'm on my knees. I promised to protect Jieun. I want her to have faith in me. Things will not end this way.

I look down at myself, my forearms feel weak — they're shaking uncontrollably as I use them to keep myself up. My arms suddenly give out and I catch myself with my elbows, but it feels as if I can't hold this position for long.

My head feels heavier than I imagined, and it's making my neck feel like it's going to snap. I slowly lift my left arm up as I wince and draw in a quick breath. I rub the back of my neck in hopes that it'll make me feel a bit better, but it actually worsens the pain.

I force myself to sit upright. My head begins to feel light, like it's not even there, and my vision can't focus on one thing. Everything is mushed together — my head is spinning.

Get up, Jimin! Jieun needs you.

I take in deep breaths and attempt to make my breathing even. The intense dizziness goes away slightly, just enough for me to understand what's going on around me. The first thing I see is a silhouette of a nightstand at my left. I grab ahold of the nightstand and pull myself up, leaning all my weight on the small wooden figure. My legs feel numb so it takes a bit until the weird tingly feeling goes away.

My head turns to face the rest of the room I was unconscious in, and nothing looks out of the ordinary. Nothing is out of place from what I can remember. I slowly make my way to the door, and the apartment's lights turn back on. It blinds me and the unexpected action makes my head spin again, but I shake it off and keep moving.

I make it to the living room and find it to be completely empty.

"Jieun?" my soft voice echoes through the almost abandoned apartment. The silence definitely makes it seem abandoned, and makes me feel like a lost spirit stuck in one place for all eternity.

I can see the sunlight peeking through the curtains in my kitchen. It was night when Taehyung attacked me without warning. My heart sinks; I failed Jieun.


I feel like crying, bawling my eyes out and screaming until I can no longer breathe. I lost Jieun in the hands of a dangerous man yet again. I don't deserve to be the one to save her.

But I need to at least try, even it means that she won't trust me anymore.

I shuffle my feet towards the front door and pass the blurry couch where I promised to Jieun that I'd protect her. I feel disgusting. I'm a horrible human being.

My door isn't closed all the way, but I don't mind since it makes it easier for me to leave. As I enter the elevator a couple at the back gives me concerning looks. I see that they already have pressed the first floor. I stand in the middle as they bury themselves into the back of the small elevator. The awkward silence makes me feel uncomfortable, but it doesn't last long.

"Are you alright, sir?" The woman's gentle voice sounds distant and I begin to think that Taehyung must've damaged my hearing too somehow.

I touch my right ear with my middle finger, and look at it. No blood. I scrunch my face in confusion. Could've sworn I felt something warm drip down..

"Do you need to go the hospital?.." the woman speaks again, but this time I glance back at her. I see her tiny body tense up and she leans against her lover just next to her. The man steps forward the slightest bit, pushing the woman behind him.

The Flower of the Dark | k.thWhere stories live. Discover now