The Different

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Author's Note:

I'd like to make a moment to thank my completely amazing best friend, Navaara, who means everything to me. Read her books, they're incredibly mad and very enjoyable!

Anyway I hope you enjoy my story, if you do feel free to vote or comment :) <3 


Chapter One- The Different

The bell sounded loudly in the halls announcing lunch, only I wouldn’t be eating lunch. I still had detention. Around me, students were leaving their classes excitedly. Most ignored my presence but others would turn just to glare or snicker at me. I looked to my best and only friend Jett, who armed his mop like a weapon. I follow his gaze to two friends, a girl chasing a boy laughing merrily.

I know before Jett does anything what his intentions are. The couple are too close to us, they are putting themselves in our range of attack and they won’t be happy for long.

The boy is holding onto the girl’s headband and he turns around to see if she’s still chasing after him when Jett sticks the mop out horizontally in front of him and he runs straight into it, falling heavily to the floor. It’s Jett and I’s turn to laugh as the boy lays dazed on the floor. The girl runs over to the victim, her previous carefree attitude gone.

She helps her friend up and turns to us, “Go away you sick jerks!” She cries before guiding her friend away from us.

I stick my tongue out at them and Jett javelin throws the mop in their direction. It misses them but it’s enough for them to pick up their speed and run away from us.

“Yeah, that’s what I thought!” Jett yells after them, jumping at a group when they walk past us with disapproving looks.

Jett smiles at me and I smile back at him.

Willow Daytime, school for the magically gifted. It’s a school of almost 3000 people from Grade 1 to Year 12. It’s two-storey with an aquatic centre, dormitories, dining hall, two halls and much more. You see, we are the Atmos people. We are born with powers, usually inherited from our parents. There are two types of powers; the light powered whose magic is often bright, used mainly for defence, growing or healing. The dark whose magic is more attack based full of fire, darkness and destruction.

Jett and I are the only two dark powered students in the whole school… so you can see how much havoc we’re bound to cause and oh- how we enjoy it!

It wasn’t always like this, in fact I used to hate being dark and so did my perfect and pure light powered family but over time instead of avoiding the powers at all costs, I embraced them. That was when I was sent here to this school and where I met Jett.

That was years ago, when I was 8. Jett and I are in the same year because he had stayed down a year before me, he is 18 and I’m 17. He is like a big brother to me. Jett’s hair is black with red tips in his long front fringe. His hair isn’t too long except for that fringe, his skin is pale and his eyes a light blue. He has an eyebrow piercing, (not that you can really see it), a nose and a lip on the right side of his face. His body is toned with muscle and he has the start of a sleeve on his right arm. Like me, Jett has altered his uniform so instead of having some boring black belt, he has a studded one with chains and he wears wristbands and converse.

“Evangeline Mort and Jett Cross, I hope you’re doing what you’re meant to be doing!” Miss Davidson says sharply, her foot tapping impatiently on the floor and her arms folded.

Laura Davidson is tall and slim, her straight and smooth blonde hair is always pulled away from her face with her professional glasses. She’s a very nice teacher that everyone loves, that is if you’re light.

Evangeline Mort; used to have brown hair but then likes to dye it a range of different colours. At the moment it’s black with half the fringe and a small portion green. Long front fringe with hair reaching the waist, it’s naturally wavy but it is often straightened. Eyes are hazel, pale skin, septum piercing and angel bites. Skull tattoo between shoulder blades, big black boots with chains hanging off skirt, wristbands and a lot of eye makeup. Yeah, that’s me.

“Of course, Miss Davidson, we’re being good little children, aren’t we Jett?” I mock her, mopping the floor.

Jett, who had picked up his mop from before nodded his head, “Oh yes, so good you would even think we could be light.”

Miss Davidson’s eyes pierce into us, “It will be another lunchtime detention for both of you if I see you play up even once!”

She storms off, her nose high and her heels clicking on the floor. I roll my eyes and rest my arm on the mop, looking for some source of entertainment.

A door opens and a figure steps out, holding his books. The guy has long black hair with a long side fringe, pale skin, green eyes, lip piercing, strong build and completely gorgeous. Duke Terrance, the only person a part from Jett that I liked in this school. He is fun, he cares for people, listens to good music, has really cute dimples… I hate how he’s light. He would fit in so well with Jett and I.

The ugly piece of garbage soon follows after him and grabs onto his arm like a wrench. I suppose everyone else finds her the most beautiful girl in school because she is skinny with big boobs,  sun-tanned skin, sparkly blue eyes, brown dip-dyed blonde hair, clothes that are too short and small for her age and layers of makeup. What’s worse is that she’s nice.  Darla Teastone always goes out of her way to cheer people up and comfort people but if you ask me she’s a sensitive cry baby.

Darla whispers something into Duke’s ear and they both smile at each other and walk off hand in hand to their lockers.

I glared off behind them, “If only she was hit by a truck… that I was driving.”

Jett laughs, “Oh Duke, why must there be such a wall between us? Don’t worry our love will conquer all!”

He laughs loudly and everyone around us looks at us funny. I kick the bucket of water all over his clothes, “Shut up loser.”

He gasps from the sudden cold and drops his mop. “Fuck this, let’s get out of here.”

“Now you’re talking.” I smile and open the window up from behind me.

We’re on the second floor, but neither of us care. I lift myself up onto the sill and look down for a moment before jumping off. The ground comes rushing towards me with great speed but my hands are ready and dark tendrils explode out of my palm, softening my fall greatly.

Having dark powers is such much better. Light powers are usually restricted, they never can never harness the really hard things like fire and morphing and naturally they’re just weaker.

Yet, out of all the battles ever fought in the end good always seems to win against evil. Another thing I despised in life.

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