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... I love that feeling of being in love, the effect of  having butterflies when you wake up in the morning. That's special...


" Okay! Class, welcome in your last school year. I can't wait to get rid of all of you." Mrs. Delilah Peterson joked.

The class chuckled and then Mrs. Delilah continued " You should give this year your best. It will be hard but with work everything will be easy."

" Yes, ma'am." The class replied.

My class was one of the best classes. Everyone cared about their grades in it. Some boys were troublesome but they still cared.

" Oh! Students! We have a new student. His name will be Daniel Thompson." said the teacher as a boy walked in.

The boy had black hair with silver parts and deadly grey eyes that held nothing but emptiness. His eyes wondered around the class and fell on mine. A smirk was placed on his lips when his eyes caught mine. His lips moved forming the word " mine " and that was how I was sure that


My Daniel was back...

A smile was placed on my lips and I couldn't hide it even if I tried. I missed him and everything about him. The way his eyes would look at me.

I could tell that he had changed from the last time that I had met him. His eyes usually held happiness but now it held emptiness. I wouldn't care at all as long as he would be back to me.

I almost cried when I had seen his face. I missed him a lot more than words could express.

' Daniel is back.' was the only thought in my mind. I kept mentally screaming it over and over again.

" Would you like to say anything, Daniel Thompson?" said the teacher looking at Daniel kindly.

' He won't say a thing.' I replied to her question in my mind.

" No." he said and that made my smile go wider.

' Maybe, he didn't really change.'  I thought as my smile went wider.

I was able to guess his answer before him saying it. I was really happy by that to say the least.

" Okay, take a seat." said the teacher and that was enough to place a smirk on Daniel lips.

He was looking at the seat next to me. I gave him a confused look and then looked at it.

It was empty! Where did the boy next to me go?! He was there when I sat down.

I looked at Daniel blushing like crazy and then smiled. He was quite happy with it. I could tell. I rolled my eyes and patted the seat next to me slightly.

He smirked and then walked to me. He sat on the seat next to me and I immediately hugged him. He was taken a back for a second but then hugged me back.

" I missed you, Dan." I said trying to hold my tears.

" I missed you too, Leah." he said and I smiled. Happiness was all what you could see in my eyes.

He kissed my cheek slowly making me blush a deep shade of red. For a second, I didn't care about anything like; where were you, who was there, and how many student was watching? I didn't care at all. My Dan was back and that was all I cared about.

" I love you, Dan." I said after he pulled back.

" I love you too, Leah." he said and then the teacher cleared her throat.

That was when everything went back to my mind. We were in class and everyone was watching....and....that kiss....Fuck! Fuck!

" This isn't a place for such things. Next time detention for both of you!" said the teacher blushing too. However, her blush was no where near mine in redness.

" There is nothing to watch." said Daniel in his heavy British accent that would always make me melt.

Before meeting him, I would find it weird but after that it became my favourite accent especially coming from his lips.

Daniel and I found it hard to communicate at first because of our different accents. I mean, he put so much stress on every single letter and I skip so much letters in every word.

It was annoying that I had to say things slowly but soon we gotten used to it. Now that I think about it, it was funny.

" Now students, let's start the class!" said the teacher as she kept mumbling about the importance of focusing in this class.

However, I didn't think that I would be able to focus with Daniel beside me. It took me so much self control to not hug him again and kiss his lips.

' Gosh! Make this day flow by like a second only.' I thought as I clasped my hands together praying.

Obviously my prayer wasn't heard. Every second passed slower than a turtle walking to her husband. I couldn't focus because of Daniel, who seemed to enjoy distracting me. He even put his arm around my waist and I was supposed to remove it without making a single sound. Any idea how hard it was?

Thanks God, the teacher hadn't noticed because if she did, we would have taken destination, and I wasn't in the mood to have one.

I sighed as I realized that Daniel wouldn't take his hand off me soon. I didn't want him to, but I had to get it off because of the teacher.

After few minutes - that went by like ages, the bell rang informing that our first two history sections were now done and what did I hear from them? Nothing!

When the teacher left the class, I found myself being lifted with two hands around me. I squeaked a little because of the surprise but didn't mind because I knew that it was him.

" I missed you a lot, Leah."

" I missed you too, Daniel."

He pressed his lips to mine and almost immediately I placed my arms around his neck. He kissed my lips like a caveman who was starving and my lips where his favourite meal.

I kissed him back gently while blushing at my thoughts that I couldn't control around him. His tongues touched my lips and I opened my lips for him. He shoved his tongue in making me moan quietly.

We had a small fight for dominance and he won because he was the one at the top. I backed when I started feeling tired making him smirk. His tongue roamed my mouth and touched every part of it like he used to do before.

When he was done, our tongues had a dance together which only him could master doing. I didn't know how could I keep up without oxygen this whole time but I was more than glad I did.

He pulled back when we both needed oxygen and started breathing heavily while saying " Now, muffin! You are mine again."

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