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...Happiness is a conscious choice, not an automatic response...


" Daniel! Where are we going?!" I asked Daniel.

" Be patient!" he replied firmly.

I asked that question every three seconds for him to reply but he always said the same. I wanted to know our destination, but he was stubborn as all living hell.

" Daniel! Please! For the love of God." I kept pouting but he didn't bother replying to my question or even telling me to shut up or something.

I decided to shut up and let him lead the way. I looked out to the window and opened the window to its maximum. There was no cars in the street so I did the most insane thing.

I stuck my hand out and felt air against it. I smiled at the feeling. I felt free. That was when I did the most insane thing. I put my head out and let my hair down.

The air started hitting it and it made me feel awesome to say the least. I wanted that to last forever.

" Take care while driving. My life is between your hands." I said from outside.

" I will protect you with my life, so don't be scared." Daniel said making me smile.

" Dan, I love you." I shouted for everyone to hear.

" I love you too, sweetheart." he said making me smile.

I came back in and kissed his cheek. How much I loved this man?!

' This will be infinite.'  a voice in my mind said making me smile.

Well, that was true. My love for him was infinite. I never wanted him to leave me or think if any other girl. He was only mine. Mine to love and mine to own. I was always scared to lose him no matter how close he was.

" Baby, we are here." he said dragging me out of my thoughts.

" Yeah!" I said with a weak smile as my fear came to surface again.

My fear of losing him. I had self confidence and everything but I still felt that I was never enough for him. I would never admit it but I wanted him to have the best and be happy -even if that meant that he will leave me.

" Leah!" he said snapping his fingers in front of my eyes.

" Oh my gosh! Daniel don't do this again! My heart nearly stopped." I said making him roll his eyes.

" Leah! I called you for ten thousand times and you haven't even replied, so I had to do that. Are you okay?" he asked and I nodded smiling.

" Okay." I said as he carried me out of the car.

" Daniel! Put me down!" I slapped his chest as I talked.

" No."

" Daniel! Daniel! Put me down. I can walk. Daniel!"

He rolled his eyes and walked. I looked at the place and found a tall slope. Oh my gosh! I hugged Daniel and placed my arms around him. I hid my face in his chest.

" Daniel, I swear to god if I fall, I will break every single bone in your body without caring about anything." I warned screaming.

Daniel burst out laughing in response.

" Are you seriously laughing at me?! Daniel! I hate you. I hate everything about you. Put me down!" I kept screaming while slapping his chest yelling at him to put me down.

" Leah! Shut up!" he said adding the stress to the word making me go silent.

" Okay, so the slope that you were scared of ended so look up and enjoy the view." he said and all I did was obey.

What I had seen in front of me was a sight to be hold. It was so awesome. Everything was so in place. Buildings were with different heights and some got to touch the sun. Some green parts were there and for a second I forgot my fear of heights.

The sky was still blue because it was still early but that made the colors of the sight more beautiful.

" Daniel!" I whispered in disbelief.

Was that place real?! How come I hadn't been here before?!

" Yes, beautiful." he said making me smile.

I was smiling widely. Happiness and love were all I felt. All the negative energy left my body at the sight and the only thing that it left was dust.

" How did you know about this place?! I mean I have been living here for my whole life and I have never been here and you barely know the place but you found it." I said slowly hugging him.

" Easy! My house is near here." he replied and I was still looking at him in disbelief.

" Still! I mean how come?! You only came today or....?" I shot him a glare as the thought came to my mind.

He rubbed the back of his neck and I slapped him angrily. He reached the ground and didn't bother telling me or meeting me at all. Only God knew how many days had he been here for without me knowing a fuck about it.

I sat on the ground away from him and gave him my back. How did he do something like that?! Didn't he know how much he meant to me and that every second without him was driving me insane?!

" Leah." he said. His shoulders falling down lazily because he was no longer holding them up.

" When did you reach here?" I asked firmly with annoyance in my voice.

" Five days ago. But I swear I...." he was cut off by me.

" Why didn't you visit?!" I asked as I felt a tear come to my face.

The reason was stupid but when someone fall in love, they stop caring about that. Daniel was here and didn't visit me?! That hurt me. That made me feel like a secondary thing for him.

" Leah!" he said sitting down next to me but I jumped a step away from him.

" I wanted to visit you. I was dying to, I swear. But I had to do some things first. You were, are and will always be the love of my life but I had to fix things for you to be safe and good, I swear. You know, over the past five days, I visited your house at least six times. Sometimes I just walk and find myself there.

Leah! Things have changed and we are no longer kids. I still love you the same well I love you more than I used to, but things happened over the past years and those things made me scared. Your life would have been in danger if I came and visited you before doing the things." I still looked away from him.

I didn't understand the danger or most of his words. I didn't understand what had changed and the whole scared thing. However, I sure as hell started forgiving him. But I was still hurt. Couldn't he at least send a text or something?!

" Leah, please baby! Look at me! How am I supposed to survive without your smile?!" he said and I moved away from him again.

" Like you survived the last few years." I replied under my breath making him an animalistic groan.

" Leah! Please forgive me! I will never do such a thing again and I will do anything you want." he said and I took a small look of him.

He had sadness in his eyes but not regret. Daniel wouldn't regret a thing now, would he?

" Okay!" I said as I looked at him.

" For real?" he asked his eyes shinning with happiness.

" Yep!" I said as I hugged him and kissed his lips.

He kissed me back and immediately took control. I smiled as I allowed him to. He was my everything.

' Maybe now I understand why do my parents keep making out.' I thought as I closed my eyes and allowed the kiss to take me to a whole other world.

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