Chapter 50

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Chapter 50

''Don't you love the dress?'' Evelyn asks me and I nod. ''It's really beautiful'' I say as I look at myself in the mirror. She sips her champagne and gives me a glass but I refuse. ''What is it with you? You love alcohol'' she jokes and I chuckle as I look at her, her eyes widen and she leaves the glass on the table.

''Oh you did gain a few pounds, I didn't want to mention it before'' she says and I glare at her playfully. ''Congratulations dear!'' She says excitedly and hugs me, I hug her as well. ''Does Harry know?'' She asks me and I shake my head. ''No, I'll tell him after the wedding'' I say and she nods.

I learned a few days ago that I'm pregnant again and I got so excited because my kids are going to be just one year apart and they can be close just like Dahlia and I were and they can play with each other. I don't know why I didn't tell Harry right away, I just wanted to make sure everything is okay with the baby. That's why I went this morning to the doctors and she told me I'm almost two months pregnant and that everything is okay with my baby.

''So I arranged for you two to go in Italy immediately after the wedding, the private jet will be there to wait for you'' she says and I nod. ''This will be the first time Leo travels with a plane'' I say and she nods. She goes over to his crib and takes him in her arms. ''He is so precious'' she says and kisses his cheek.

''I don't know what I'll do here without you'' she says and frowns. ''The honeymoon is just two months and I think you'll need the break from us'' I say. ''Plus, it'll give you time to flirt with Henry'' I say and her eyes widen. ''You know?'' She asks me and I chuckle.

''I noticed a few glances and some comments here and there'' I say and she smiles, I've noticed Evelyn really likes Henry, he is Harry's father's friend, Harry was actually named after him, he is their closest friends and he comes here often to talk to Harry and Evelyn.

''Don't worry, I haven't told Harry anything'' I say and she nods. ''I feel like I'm betraying Aron, he was his best friend'' she says and I shake my head. ''No, you deserve happiness and I'm sure Aron knows that you still love him but it has been 10 years, you're allowed to move on'' I say to her and she nods. ''You're right'' she says and smiles at me and then she hugs me.

''You're going to be late, the ceremony started'' she says panicking as she looks at the clock. I smile at her. ''Don't worry, I'm ready'' I say and she nods and gives me the flowers.

I go to the doors and Evelyn kisses my cheeks as she walks inside and sits down, I peak and see Leo going down the aisle and throwing petals of flowers everywhere, he looks so cute in his little tuxedo. Zayn comes towards me and hugs me. ''Are you ready?'' He asks me, we decided that Zayn will walk me down the aisle, because my father obviously can't. ''Yes'' I say as I feel my heart beating fast and my palms getting sweaty.

We walk down the aisle and everyone gasps when they see me, we reach where Harry is standing and he smiles at me, Zayn and Harry shake their hands as Zayn goes to where the grooms stand. I picked Kayla, Stefanie and Rose to be my bridesmaids and Harry picked Zayn, Liam, Louis and Niall to be his grooms.

I stand in front of Harry and he kisses my cheek. ''You're so beautiful'' he says and I smile.

''Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here, in the sight of God, and in the presence of these witnesses, to join together this man and this woman, in holy matrimony, which is an honorable estate, instituted by God, and signifying unto us this mystical union. Into this holy estate these two persons come now to be joined. If any here can show just cause why they may not be lawfully be joined together, let them now speak, or else here after forever hold their peace. I require and charge you both, as you stand in the presence of God, before whom the secrets of all hearts are disclosed, that, having duly considered the holy covenant you are about to make, you do now declare before this company your pledge of faith, each to the other. Be well assured that if these solemn vows are kept inviolate, as God's Word demands, and if steadfastly you endeavor to do the will of your heavenly Father and earthly Mother, God will bless your marriage, will grant you fulfillment in it and will establish your home in peace'' he finishes and both of us can't stop smiling.

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