Chapter 10-The Attack of Black

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Chapter 10-The Attack of Black

Y/N's POV:

Ever since the first day, Defense Against the Dark Arts was everyone's favorite subject. Every student was looking forward to the next lesson everyday, everyone respected Professor Lupin even more ever since.  Only Draco and his gang had something funny to tell about Professor Lupin, it was getting really REALLY annoying. I wish his bandages on his arm was wrapped around his mouth instead.

"Look at the state of his robes," Malfoy would say in a loud whisper as Professor Lupin passed. "He dresses like our old house elf."

No one even cared on how Professor Lupin looked, al of his lessons was just as interesting as the first one. I had to admit that he is a great teacher and how he maintain the spark on his students mind to be always interested at every lesson, but there was just a little hint of anger that I have for him because of his and Severus' past. I want to take those thoughts away because that was years ago, but I just couldn't help it.

Ever since the first class of Defense Against the Dark Arts, the story about the Boggart assuming Severus' shape, and the way Neville dresses him into his grandmother's clothes had traveled around the school like wildfire. Severus, obviously, didn't find that funny. He was now bullying Neville worst than ever.

On the other hand, I couldn't seem to like Professor Trelawney. Every time I'm in her class I would usually be very sleepy, and that never happened to me at all of the classes I've attended in my life. And at the end of the day I didn't even learned a thing, all I learned throughout her lessons that Harry's gonna die in any minute or second.

Care of Magical Creatures seems to be everyone's least favorite subject. Ever since the incident between Draco and Buckbeak, Hagrid seemed to have lost his confidence. We were now having lessons by lessons about how to look after flobberworms, which had to be some of the most boring creatures in existence.

October started and the Quidditch players at Evey house has already started training. The weather was getting colder and wetter, making it my favorite time because I love sweaters.

Today I was in a really bad mood. First, so much homework, but I can manage. Second, too much books in my bag all the time. Third, Pansy and Draco kept on chattering so loudly making not to focus on the books I'm reading. I was at the common room reading a book silently controlling my anget, when Millicent walked up to me and sat down at the sofa I was sitting on in front of the fireplace. I felt the sofa cushion sunk as Millicent flop down beside me.

"Hey, guess what?" said Millicent, I looked at her town raised one of my eyebrow. She looked quite excited to tell me about the news she had gathered.

"What?" I simply said, putting my book down.

"First Hogsmeade weekend at the end of October. Halloween," she said in a high pitched voice in excitement.

"Cool." I simply said and took my book once again and continued reading it.

"Is that all you're gonna say?"


"Aren't you excited?"


"Y/N, stop it."


"Y/N! Stop talking rubbish!"

"What do you expect me answer to you? Yes? No? That's great? Sounds good? Awesome? What?!" I suddenly shouts at her, I was now standing on my feet. I was so stressed today.

I didn't even realized that everyone was now looking at me and the loud common room was now quite like a ghost town. I looked down at Millicent and saw that she looked hurt, and also surprised of me rising my voice at her because I've never done that. I sighed before looking back at Millicent.

The Half-Blood Princess // Draco Malfoy x Reader (YEAR THREE)Where stories live. Discover now