Chap 1

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I tugged slightly on the chain around my neck, it had gotten tighter in my sleep, surely.I wasn't exactly putting on any weight so it couldn't of been me getting any bigger. Dropping my hand I hear the 'clank' of the weighted metal that also lived around my wrist drop to the floor. Looking around the inky blackness that I now lived in, nothing was new everything was the same as before I slipped into sleep. I wouldn't of been able to tell anyway; I couldn't see more than the tips of my toes that were pressed against the wall in front of me. I assumed I was in a cell made of rock walls - that's what it felt like anyway- and the floor was made of something I didn't know the name of, but I did know that it had some form of waste on it, I wasn't allowed out of the room ever. The last time I did I got punished.

It wasn't my fault anyway, the stupid guard wouldn't get his gun off of my back! I am a living human being! I shouldn't be here in the first place, I didn't do anything wrong! I don't deserve to be locked up twenty four hours a day with little food and water, no sunlight - heaven knows how pale I am now- and no outside interaction since the incident. I was stupid when I came into this place, "We're doing a social experiment and wanted to know if you'd be interested,  we'll pay you for your efforts." How stupid had I been? Not even bothering to ask what type of experiment, whatever it was I'm sure they didn't get the results they expected.  When I first woke up after being drugged I was in a cell with somebody else...what was their name again?

Ah, I remember now, Jamie. I had been in a cell with Jamie. He was around fifteen, with choppy dark brown hair and heterochromic eyes, the left being brown the right being green. I had only known Jamie for I think a year, I can't really remember before that anymore? I had a window in my first cell, we could tell the days passing then. Now, well you know the answer to that. Anyway, we had been interacting for about a year and being seventeen by the end of our year together I guess you could say we acquired a younger/older sibling relationship. We had some tests back then. The worst one was always the light test. They'd drag us out of our cells at all hours -or maybe it was the same? We could tell night from day not exact hours- and down the pristine lifeless white corridor into a room that seemed similar to a movie theatre, then they would strap us down to a chair and a series of lights would flash in front of our eyes. I was never sure what that did. Still don't.

All I do know, is that it made Jamie go mad. The poor boy couldn't handle it. He had gone completely insane, he attacked a guard, they always told us that if you kill a guard you get put in solitary if you can attack but can't finish the job they'll finish you. I never understood why. But I do remember being dragged down the corridor, it was the incident I was talking about before, the stupid guard  wouldn't get his gun out of my back. I told him. Repeatedly, I told him to move his gun out of my back. And then, oh then the best part came around. He talked down about Jamie, now as the older sibling that Jamie never had, I had no choice but to defend him didn't I? So I did. And that damn guards smirk never did and never will leave me. He had laughed and spat at my face, that laugh was awful! It was so condescending and I-I hated it! So, when he pointed the gun to my chest in a mock threat, I did the only thing I knew how to.

I smiled at him.

I don't really remember what happened, I think I broke his arm and took his gun, at least that's what I heard the guards that used to be stationed outside my cell said. Then I woke up, blood on me and his dead body in front of me. It didn't matter though, did it? He was the one to blame. I got told later - when they examined me to make sure I was still well enough to be thrown into another cell- that the guard I had apparently violently murdered with my own hands (something they said they couldn't understand, what with the gun being next to me and all.) was the same guard that Jamie had attacked. That made me feel somewhat better. My stupidity and blackout had made me miss Jamie's execution, I was sure his ghost would of haunted me for braking my promise to be with him till the end, but perhaps me killing the one that he hated allowed him to rest in peace?

Maybe? Who cares.

Anyway, the darkness of my room was swallowing my sanity more than usual, and then I heard something that made me smile. Footsteps, I can't actually remember the last time I heard footsteps, they usually delivered my food when I was asleep. Forcing my previously scrunched up legs to make me stand up, I fell forward, I forgot that my legs hadn't supported my weight in a while, my chains made scraping noises across the floor, as I made my way to the cold metal of the door to my solitary cell. Maybe someone else had killed a guard, I was the third person to do so when I killed the guard. No one since me, if so that made four of us. Who knows, maybe when we die St.Peter will take pity and let us into heaven, they do say God always forgives, but I doubt after breaking a commandment I would be allowed into Heaven, that's probably why I'm still here then. Hell Spawn should stay in hell after all.

The footsteps got closer and I could hear shouting now, definitely the guards with somebody, or guards atleast, nobody else would be shouting about guns. As the voices echoed closer to my room I realised that I could get out of this hell hole. Maybe actually stay awake and will a guard, they never said you couldn't kill your way out of solitary.

So, I crouched down next to the door, waiting to see if the guards would come into my room. And, after a few minuets I heard a shout.

"There's another one over here!"

And my door flung open. I didn't wait for him to come in completely, the second the muzzle of his large gun was past the doorframe I pounced. The first thing I heard after the lights blinded me was a scream of fear and my own twisted laughter.

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