Chap 18

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I can hear beeping.


Beeping's bad. Beeping is bad. I need to get away from the beeping. I can't stand the beeping! Please! First it was the lights! I already did so many bad things because of those lights! Please don't do this to me please! WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO! WHAT IS IT THAT YOU WANT FROM ME!

My eyes fly open and I feel like I've just taken my first breath because everything suddenly seems so real. My lungs hurt, my throat is sore. My head is killing me, pounding, like somebody is on the inside and knocking on the bone of my cranium in an attempt to get my attention.

"Jamie! You've awoken! Fantastic! After your last episode we didn't know what to expect."

Who's talking. I...I can't see them clearly. I'm squinting now and I still can't see. But that doesn't even matter all that much. I KNOW who it is, but I don't remember who it is. What does he mean episode. And last episode? No, I've never had a- Never had a what?

"It's happening again! Put him back under now!"


No beeping this time.

Heart beat. I can hear a heart beat. Is it mine? Or somebody else's? What was I doing before this? Where am I? No! Think! Don't let yourself forget! You promised - No! Who you promised isn't important! You promised that you wouldn't forget. You wouldn't forget what they did to them...whoever them is. You wouldn't forget what they did to you. What...Lights. Something to do with lights. And...beeping. Beeping is bad. Flashing lights are bad. Letters... D... K... Z. THE LAST ONE! Z! That's who you promised. Name...what's my name!? J...Jamie! My name is Jamie, and I promised somebody called Z that I wouldn't forget what 'they' did to them...who's presumably D and K. And me. They did something to me.

"Jamie! Can you hear me boy!" Voice...Jefferson! Bad. He's bad. But, I work with him? Flashing lights. Something to do with flashing lights.

"Y-yeah. I can hear you. What happened. I can't remember what I was doing before well," I waved my hand around, "This."

A cruel smile came to his lips, I don't believe it was meant to be cruel, or at least I wasn't supposed to perceive it as cruel. But it was just so obvious.

"You were talking with Subjects D, K and Z. You found something interesting in the sim and thought it could be important to our research. We don't know what triggered it, but you had a panic attack my boy. Lucky you were that one of the guards came close, it appears one of the subjects tried attacking you and the fear caused a panic attack."

No... that's not what happened. I know it's not! But, what did? I know it's not that.

"Can I go back down. I remember what the question I wanted to ask was."

"I'm afraid not at the moment; you see the subjects are having a rough patch. Whatever caused you to be triggered caused some pretty nasty nightmares for the other two subjects. We believe it might of been subjects Z's actions, so we've had to separate them, but we aren't so sure because K and D aren't responding well to that."

"C-can I atleast talk to one of them? It doesn't have to be Z or anything. Maybe K? Even D? Which one is the least aggressive?"

"Well, that all depends on what you mean by least aggressive. You, see all three of them have murdered people in cold blood."

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