Chap 15

18 3 7

It's dark...

Why is it dark? It wasn't dark when I came in here- wait. Where is here?

"Come on Jamie, open your eyes. The simulation is over." Huh? Simulation?

Oh. That's right. That's why I came in here.

I opened my eyes to the blinding light of Doctor Jefferson's  torch shining in my eye. I swated the doctors hand away and sat up, ugh my head. Jesus, it's killing me. My vision retuned to me and I looked around. The cool metal room is painstakingly familiar to the one I was just in. Subject Z's memories are just so hard to understand? I'm the only one that can see inside the memories as I'm the only one with enough hours on the system to be able to withstand the apparent 'harsh and incredibly difficult' conditions. Everything he's told us, it's a lie. But I guess it makes sense with what he is.

A sociopath.

Someone with a psychopathic personality whose behaviour is antisocial, often criminal, and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience.

He doesn't care about lying to people, hurting people or braking the law. He's supposed to be an emotionless freak who only cares about himself. But, he had a few emotional connections? What is he? And at the beginning he seemed so upset? He was more than a criminal. I knew that much. I'd have to go ask him later. I could hear Jefferson try to catch my attention as I made my way over to his desk and picked up the board with the check list on it and leaned back against the desk, picking up a pen and filling it out in silence.

"So, Jamie. What did you learn? Anything interesting about the subject? Subjects K and D still refuse to talk about him and we haven't been able to get hold of them long enough to get their memories. Subject Z always  intervenes whenever we try to get close and he never seems to sleep." I continued to ignore Jefferson and push the chart into his chest.

"I'm going down to see the subjects. Talk to you later Doc."

The memories were still swimming in my head as I made my way down the facilities blank corridors. I got a chill down my spine looking at them, it must of been a side effect from the simulation. I did they get subject Z's memories but he won't let them get K and D's? I should get their files.

Taking a detour to the directors office, I snuck in and swiped the files, as a simulate I'm not supposed to know much about the people I'm dealing with. But, who cares. I sneak away and head down to detainment. There in one cell sit three people I've only ever seen in simulation.

They look up and see their eyes widen, before subject Z growls. I have to ignore this. I start to read the files out loud.

"File number one: Subject D. Name: Declan no last name given, aged fifteen. Temperament is very lax and is known to be the least violent of the three survivors. Main physical features, Ginger hair, Green eyes and a large irregular shaped scar on the top of his back and bottom of his neck. Side note, guards have described him as a cry baby after discovering his fear of the dark."

I look up at the youngest, the ginger haired boy is shaking while being cradled by subject K, strangely enough they're keeping their distance from subject Z, it doesn't look like they're scared but it's still peculiar.

"File number two: Subject K. Name: Kara, again no last name given. Aged seventeen. Temperament is not so much hostile but close enough to warrant close watch, this subject only attacks when provoked or when they fear that her cell mates are under threat. Main physical features, Blonde hair and Blue eyes. She has a winding scar from under her eye to under her ear Side note, seems to have a close connection to both subject D and subject Z and will refuse to leave without both of them."

I understand why K and D are staying away from Z now. He looks feral. I can tell that they aren't scared of him, but they appear to know that he is in fact dangerous. I can't help but examine him. Unlike the other two he barley has a jumpsuit left, it's all tattered but I can also see scraps of cloth on the other two acting as make shift bandages. So that explains it. Subject D whimpers and it's strange to watch as the feral being instantly shifts.

I can't quite describe it, but it's like a switch went off in his head, because the noise stops and he moved over to the boy and removed him from K's arms hugging him. From the way D is pulling himself close to Z and the way Z is reincorporating the affection I'd say that they either saw each other as brothers or one of them if not both have romantic feelings for the other.

"And finally," They all look and Z is leaning on the back wall with D clinging to him in his lap with K gripping his scar covered arm. "File number three: Subject Z."

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