Chap 3

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They all looked at me like I had three heads as I pushed myself up without my hands, forcing myself on my knees and then up onto my feet. I kept my head turned away from them, I could still feel my smile, I must of looked like some sort of demented psycho...that was what I was though wasn't I?

"What do you mean others?"

"I'm only one of three, now if I remember right the others were done here..."
I trailed off and started down the hallway running as fast as I could with weak limbs, I had to find the others, I refused to be the only one alive here. I could hear thumping footsteps behind me, figuring that they were following me, I can't really understanding why I'm trusting them, but I nearly killed one of them and they didn't shoot me so that has to be something. I went to shout out, to who I wasn't sure, but my voice wouldn't work, so I resorted to banging on the doors, I couldn't be the last one, I couldn't be the last one, I couldn't be the last one, I couldn't be, I couldn't be , I-I just couldn't be!

After about five doors down I heard a shout from the inside, I waved down the corridor to the men with the guns and pointed at the door, which they picked open with some sort of lock pick, and, obviously learning from their encounter with me, pushed the door open for someone that looked vaguely familiar to stumble out into my arms.


They looked up at me and I tilted my head, that name sounded familiar was it my name? I was suddenly gripped tightly in a hug with a head buried in my chest, I froze up when tears hit my skin. What was I supposed to do? Who was this person? Why did that name sound so familiar to me?

"Z! God you're alive! I-I was so scared! I hate the dark...don't let them put me back in the cell!"

Awkwardly I patted the persons back and took a closer look at their appearance as they snuggled further into my chest making me tense even more. Matted and greasy ginger hair that barely went past their chin (though it was all choppy implying that they had cut it themselves)and extremely pale skin, naturally or from lack of light I couldn't tell possibly both, I could make out a scar on the back of their neck from under the tattered grey jumpsuit that they were wearing. I quickly glanced at my arm to realise I was wearing one as well... I had an enormous gap in my memory didn't I? I didn't know what to do, but before I knew what I was doing I was running my fingers through the persons hair while the other kept them to my chest as my hand rubbed circles into their back. Why was I doing this? I didn't know them...did I? They apparently knew me, but at this point I don't even know my own name so that isn't really a strong lead.

"Shh, it's okay. We're getting out...right?"

I turned my head to look at the males to our left directing the last part of the sentence at them and they looked shocked -probably from my personality switch- but they nodded and I spotted the guy I tackled and the only woman hobbling not far behind. On closer inspection, ignoring his wounds, the man looked rather interesting. He had what looked like a buzz cut of white hair (most likely dyed, he wasn't Albino so surely it was dyed) with grey eyes that I instantly disliked, his whole aura including his eyes showed happiness, they all looked happy and proud about something. It was irritating. But I also noticed that they all shared a uniform in common. Pitch black jumpsuits, standing out against the blindingly white walls and floors that we were surrounded by. As they got closer, the person in my arms lifted their head slightly and it gave me a look at their face. My heart squeezed from a memory I couldn't remember. I was connected to this person I knew I was. Because I felt the same rage I felt for Jamie when I saw the sunken eyes and bruised face of the male in my arms. And it only strengthen when he shivered when the other males started to get closer to us.

He pulled himself more against me, and I thought that soon I wouldn't be able to breath if he didn't let me go. It was clear he was male, non of his features were relatively feminine and I didn't feel anything non-flat press against me where his chest was pressing into me. He himself started to breath quickly when the men with guns got closer and I don't know what overcame me, but I growled. It was like I wasn't myself. I heard the primal noise that couldn't of, shouldn't of come from a human exit my throat as the boy in my arms got scared. The men apparently realised that it wasn't the best idea to approach me.


He looked up at me with his fearful orbs and I sighed. The kid hasn't let go of me yet and there is possibly another person in this area that we know of. I hated the feeling I got when I pushed him to arms length. It almost physically hurt. Mostly because the look he gave me was heart-breaking, as if I had just killed someone in front of him...actually we're both here for the same reason so he probably wouldn't look like that. But anyway, when I pushed him away slightly, I gave him a pointed look:

"Look kid, there are other people on this corridor, you know others like us. You think you can walk enough to help me look for them?"

I have no idea why I was being so gentle with him, I hate it. Why? My head is hurting now. He nodded at me and started to wobble down the corridor like a toddler. The more I look at this kid the more I'm thinking of him as one and I've only been in his presence for under an hour. He continued off down the corridor knocking on the doors and shouting out, his voice wasn't going hoarse like mine had, he must of either had more interaction than I did or he was used to talking or mumbling to himself about things? The three males who had stopped and gawked at us quickly pulled up behind him as I stayed in place watching them for a few seconds before a female voice that sounded nothing like it did when the owner was shouting broke me out of my slightly off state.

"So your name is Z?"

Looking at her, with her injured friend leaning on her I could tell she was probably one of the bravest here, the others just stayed quiet but she had the balls to yell at me, someone that probably looked psychotic and filled with bloodlust. She looked different to the abnormal looking man who was leaning on her. Bobbed black hair and dark brown eyes and a facial structure that looked somewhat Asian, she looked somewhat intimidating with an injured soldier who must of been two shoulders and a head taller than her leaning his body weight on her while she made it look like nothing while her free had gripped the futuristic gun that her companions shared. I only gave her a shrug, I couldn't really come up with a definitive answer.

She looked at me quizzically as we continued up the corridor after her group members and my new 'friend', "You don't know your own name?

"Or my age, or my hair and eye colour, where I am, how long I've been here oh and on that matter; I don't know my own gender."

I looked down slightly, glad that the first person I was having a proper conversation with was shorter than me ever so slightly. She gaped at me and the soldier with white hair chuckled dryly, "Holy hell, what have they done to you guys..."

"I'd like to know that as well sir..."

I diverted my attention from the two and saw my friend trying to get one of the others off of a thrashing female. Her blonde hair flying in the air as they attempted to keep her pressed into the cold marble. I felt anger surge through me again as I rushed forward to help the poor woman who appeared to be in the same state I had been.

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