Chap 20

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They separated us. Why would they do that? After Jamie's attack they stormed in, ripped us apart and dragged us off, I thought they were taking us back to that room. I love the darkness for a reason. Those lights...they do things to you. You aren't yourself when you leave. It gets foggy, ringing starts. Z and Jamie went in the most. Apparently they responded best.

I remember hearing ringing when I killed that guard. The reason I was in solitary. I couldn't stand anymore of it. They would starve us, beat us, drag us out and throw us in rooms where blinding lights would do something to us. Change us, treat us less than human.

"I don't understand you. Why are you like this? What's made you better than us. What makes us less Human!?" He just wouldn't shut up. It wasn't my fault.

I didn't have a choice, I didn't. The ringing just wouldn't STOP, I just wanted it to STOP! It only stoped when I hurt him. But he didn't shut up. Oh no, he kept going and going. Goading me, saying things about me, I...only really remember the laughter. My laughter, that disturbing noise that didn't belong to a person, but a demented, demonic possession type of laugh. I wasn't me. I wasn't human when I killed that man.

I don't think I've ever been human since. The ringing never stops. Declan says he only hears it when he's angry. Does that mean I'm always angry? If so how does Z even deal with it. Does he even hear it. He's gotten less stable recently. Dec barley rings him in now, I'm only two years  older than Dec and a year younger than Zander... but it's like I'm the mother. They rely on me and I don't know if I can deal with that.

How can I let them depend on someone that killed a man because he wouldn't shut up.

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