Chap 2

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After I heard the scream and my own laughter, I let myself start to slip away, now that I wasn't filled with rage I could tell that this is what happend with the guard who hurt Jamie. I was starting to go insane, the smile on my face was starting to hurt, I still couldn't see but I could still hear my chains screeching and clanking every time I moved . The light was far to bright, that didn't mean I couldn't hit the wriggling mound of flesh that i tackled to the ground. I blanked out the other shouts around me, the guards wouldn't shoot me with me on top of the guard. I flew another fist and a screech knocked me back to my senses: "PLEASE STOP! YOU'LL KILL HIM! PLEASE!?"

I looked towards the source of the voice, I was able to make out a silohette, it was female from the voice. I tilted my head and I could tell my hurting smile was still in place, I also realised that my eyes were blown wide, i must of looked so creepy. But the guards wouldn't ask me to stop, they would tell me to stop.

"You aren't the guards are you?"

Apparently my diverted attention gave the other people around me ( I could hear atleast three other people breathing...since when were my senses so good?) enough time to get to me, because I suddenly felt myself grabbed and lifted off of whoever was underneath me and received my punches. I kicked and scratched, No! I wasn't being put back in that cell! I wasn't! I wasn't! I forced myself to kick and hit harder, I needed to get out of their grip, I still couldn't see either!

"FUCK! LET GO OF ME YOU BASTARDS! I HAVE FUCKING CHAINS ON ME!" I was screaming now, wow I even sounded like a psycho. I couldn't do anything!

They stilled and I felt the people holding me dropping me to the floor. Slumping forward I allowed my forehead to touch the cold marble floor, before I rolled onto my back. I couldn't feel anything anymore, the hazy fog was clearing not only from my eyes allowing me to actually be able to see the people around me but also from my mind, I was becoming more human.

"Holy shit he does..."
"What are they doing to these guys..."
"How did he even hit him? His chains are really restrictive."

The only voice I didn't hear was from the female that had begged me to stop. I stared up at the ceiling, huh... who knew they had florescent lights? I always thought that they were hanging lightbulbs the light was that crappy. Why did the lights entrance me so much? I didn't hear anything from the others who had just commented on my shackles. Before I could even think I blurted out a question.

"What year is it?"

Silence, bar their breathing. Then I heard a groan, causing me to turn my head to the left and I spotted the man who I had tackled. Wow I really did a number on him.

His gun was broken in half, it looked rather futuristic to be honest with all the wires poking out of it, and one of his arms was definitely in the wrong direction and as the female that begged me before helped him up, I saw he had a black eye that was already starting to swell up and I had left a good few scratches on him. I couldn't help but stare at him, as he finally sat up and I felt myself tense when he looked at me. What if he got the others to attack me while I was like this? But instead all he did was smile, showing that I had knocked one of his teeth out, and ask me: "Hey, dude you alright?"

"Who the fuck are you guys and where are the other solitaries?"

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