Chap 4

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In the split second decision to help the blonde girl I found myself unable to move. I started thrashing about when I realised that I was being held back by the woman. All I could hear was my heart thumping and thoughts repeating over and over again; 'Get them off her, help her!' I couldn't focus until I saw the men getting off of her and my friend pulling her up. My thrashing stopped completely when they hugged and started crying into each others shoulders. How did they know each other? If everybody knew each other why didn't I know anything.

"You calm yet?"

I slumped my head down to let the woman restraining me know I had no fight left. I'm so tired. I haven't moved this much since I was put in that cell. A voice calling out to me made we wearily lift my head; "Z! Look it's Kara!" I stared at the blonde girl, she had bright blue eyes, they looked slightly dull but still shined and when we made eye contact her face seemed to light up; "Z!" I gave a tired smile to the two people I had never met before but who seemed to know me. Feeling the restraining arms leave me, I jogged up to Kara and Kid. Crouching in front of the girl I noticed she had a scar on her check that curled from under her left eye up to just before her ear. I was promptly tackled by Kara as soon as I was in front of her properly. I was pressed against the floor with the blonde woman on top of me, straddling me with her arms wrapped around me, her face pressed into my chest. What was it with people and my chest today!? And she was also crying!? What was wrong with people!?

"You're alive! You're alive! When I got taken to solitary and I left you, Jamie and Declan I was so worried that you would get hurt!"

I just let her cry. So she knew me and Jamie, but who was Declan...?

"Kara you know me and Z can take care of ourselves..."

"I know Dec..."

Oh. So ginger kid was Declan and blonde girl currently hugging me is Kara. Okay I know their names that's good. Now I don't look like a complete amnesiac. Struggling to get up, Kara weighed more than she looked, I heard the footsteps of the others running towards us and as I sat up, Kara (while now sitting on my lap) and Declan gripped my arms. How scared were they? We had all killed before so it wasn't like we had anything to be scared of right? Well, I wasn't really awake for my murder so maybe actually being 'there' in a sense made you terrified of everything and yourself?

"Got yourself some friends have you Z?"

Kara and Declan looked at me confused as to why the woman was using my name, I didn't know either, for all I know that's a nickname. Letting go of me -thankfully as I had started to feel the air leaving my body much to quickly for it to be healthy- Kara stood up from my lap leaving me sat on the ground and Declan let go of my arm as well, and when I got up and looked at them, they stood a fair length away from the what I had resigned to calling soldiers with their hands held together.

Stretching properly Kara's voice sounded dangerous unlike a split second ago when she was in tears, it appears split second personality switches were also common in other solitaries: "Who the hell are you and where the fuck are the guards? If you broke in and came for us the rest of them upstairs are going to be slaughtered!" And it was then that a switch seemed to go off in her mind, "Jamie oh god...IF YOU FUCKERS HAVE LET THEM SLAUGHTER EVERYBODY INCLUDING THAT BOY I'LL KILL YOU ALL-"

"Jamie's already dead."

Frozen. That was the only way to describe the scene. Kara froze as did Declan, Leader Lady injured man and the lackeys all froze. Non of them knew how to respond. After a minuet of silence I continued:

"He went mad after all those light test things, he attacked a guard."

Quiet. It was quiet again. I hated the quiet now. I turned back to the soldiers.

"That's everybody down here, now lets go and see who's still alive so Kara can kick your arses."

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