Chap 14

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I grip my head again, damn this woman. Spinning, shouting and screaming. Why can't it just fucking stop!? I feel guilty for something I don't remember doing. "Zander? Are you alright?" I growl at the shrink, "Do whatever fucking test you want, and then just let me go." "Of course."


I was stuck in my room, after I had finished talking to the Doc, they took me back and now I've been locked in. I can hear Rin and the doctor outside talking about something... My head is spinning, I just want to have all this fucking shit end. I went to do something good and how does it end up? With me being interrogated and locked back up in a dark room. Declan hadn't been in the room when I got back...I can't even remember what I was really doing anymore. Crap, why did my mind have to go on me now. I felt just like I did back in the facility. If I'm not let out soon I'm going to snap. Not good, not good, not good, not good. LET ME OUT!

The door opened, and the light was flicked on and as my eyes adjusted to the light, I realised that I had been pulling at the blanket beneath me as my fist was wrapped up in the fabric. Rin's eyes zeroed in on it immediately and I saw her tense slightly, trying to discreetly keep as much distance between us as she could. Pathetic. "Just fucking tell me what kind of shit is wrong with me so you can go run and hide." She stalled even more and it was becoming even more irritating. JUST LET ME OUT! "You've been diagnosed with Anti-social personality disorder, or more specifically, we've found out you're a sociopath."

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