Chap 8

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"I don't really have a reason, you pulled me back and I guess instincts took over. Now," I looked at her, seeing that Kara was staring intensely at out interaction, "Mind telling me what's going on. Your friend said we're supposed to watch a video when we get to your base and all but I want to hear what's going on from a human being not from some shitty computer that could potentially brain wash me."

Silence, it was getting annoying now, and as I kept my eyes on her face seeing her blank expression was angering me and I didn't realise that it was showing in my body language until I felt Kara squeeze my arm and whisper: "Please calm down...Declan will get hurt if you do something stupid with him on your back." I gave her a small nod before sighing and allowing all the tension to leave me, which was a good thing because the black haired woman finally answered my question;

"Sometime after you were all taken into that facility for what we can assume was an experiment?" She gave me a look and I nodded to conform her assumption, "Anyway, shortly after that protests started to go on around the world, each country was running low on selected resources and countries with those resources were refusing to share, it eventually lead to wars, which caused the previously mentioned riots."

She paused and I realised why the area was so barren now.

"Because of the riots the Governments started to have trouble staying together and eventually most of the worlds disbanded, I only know one or two of the old countries are still standing with their governments. But anyway, after the governments disbanded the major rebel groups in each country got together and made super-nations. You know, how take Germany for instance used to be Prussia and had about six to seven different countries under it's control? Or how Russia at one point had Latvia and Estonia and others under it's control? Some of these super-nations still exist, though some disbanded and countries renamed themselves and started afresh with new governments." I was having a hard time keeping up with all of this, but I kept trying to keep up with her, "Because of world peace, the human race was able to evolve technologically wise, which is why our weaponry may look odd to you. That's when we found out about you guys."

"We have a council with a member from every nation of the planet that congregate to hold meetings monthly and  not too long ago they discovered the project that you guys were apart of. This project's aim we didn't know, but when we did more recon we discovered it had the equivalent of a small army protecting it and they were experimenting on humans, something that is now punishable by death." I felt a shuddery breath leave my throat and felt Kara's hand grip my bicep more, she was obviously just as confused and freighted about this as I was.  "When we attacked, most of the patients were already dead, it was like a blood bath had happened, some of the wounds looked self-inflicted whereas others looked as if the prisoners had done it to each other." The image of the projector room flashed in my mind and something clicked, but I wasn't about to let her know that. "We ended up dismantling the building, and it was only after we pulled down a wall that was hiding the staircase we came up before did we find you. But we only discovered the doorway a few hours ago, and you said you had food three days ago? And you miss?"

I felt Kara tense, but nudged her causing her to look up at me and I gave her a nod which she returned and she turned to the woman and answered rather bluntly: "Yeah, same as Z."

"How long have we been traveling?" I was starting to feel paranoid, the sun was setting and it was getting dark. I had to admit the setting sun -being the first I had seen in who knew how long- was beautiful but the sun setting also meant darkness and I had only just been let out of the darkness.

"We've been traveling for maybe three hours now." I was shocked, how could it of gone by that quickly? I wanted my time back not for it to slip threw my fingers like quicksand.

"We're here." I looked up at the large building, glass seemed to make up its walls and the vulnerability made me anxious. This looked like a hotel not a military base. Obviously seeing the look on my face the woman tried to calm my nerves:

"Don't worry this is just the front, violence is a major crime now, soldiers aren't supposed to exist, to the council we're a large scale medical and exploration company that was tasked with securing all the captive participants of the experiment. The base is below ground." I knew that it was supposed to make me feel better but the idea of being underground in a room with no outside light was making the idea of being in one of the glass walled rooms seem appealing.

Hell Spawn (Book 1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon