Chap 12

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After an awkward direction explanation from Vince, I managed to find Kara's room only to see her and Rin just exiting, "Hey! Wait a second!" The two stopped and I didn't let it show but I wanted to laugh at the large childish smile that spread acr...

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After an awkward direction explanation from Vince, I managed to find Kara's room only to see her and Rin just exiting, "Hey! Wait a second!" The two stopped and I didn't let it show but I wanted to laugh at the large childish smile that spread across Kara's face. I waved slightly then grabbed onto the blondes shoulder and started walking off, not answering Rin's or Kara's protests and I swear I didn't mean to, but I ended up snapping and shouting at Kara to shut up rather rudely when I started to get annoyed by her questions. I don't know why, but I just didn't care in that moment.

When we finally arrived back at our room, I barged into the door which caused Declan who just so happened to be in the middle of putting his shirt on to fall over, so all we saw of Declan upon entering the room was this mess of limbs and cloth rolling around on the floor trying to sit up. "Dec had a panic attack last night, he should be calm now, I'm going to go ask something. You two get to talking or something, I really don't care, just make sure he doesn't hurt himself." Letting go of Kara I left the room to see an unamused Rin storming down the corridor after us. A small smirk came to my face as I walked past her and as she tried to grab onto my arm which I quickly evaded. "Come on Rin, walk with me. We have a few things we need to discuss." I heard her make a frustrated noise and waited at the end of the corridor for her to catch up with me.

"What's this all about Zander? You're acting very strangely. When we meet you you're violent, then calm, then you're comforting and then cold? Then you got angry then empty and finally angry again, you couldn't even call what happened after happiness, you were just as lost about those people as the rest of us were, Jesus Christ man you don't even know your own name!" I sighed and ignored her, this is just annoying, I don't need to focus on me right now.  "I don't matter, what matters is that you have some sort of shrink, Declan had a panic attack last night. You got anything to help?" I kept facing forward, not sure exactly where I was wondering.

"Yeah we do. And I recommend you visiting them as well Zander!" I turned towards her and gave her a small glare, "Look lady, I don't care okay. I'm getting Declan some help because I ain't dealing with the crying! Do you know how annoying it is!? I have my own thoughts all messed up, I do not need some snivelling brats cries in my ear!" Her face dropped and I scowled before going to storm off before I was pushed into the wall, my face pressed against the concrete block. "You bastard! That boy cares for you! And you pretend that you don't care!? How selfish can you be!?" I just let her hold me against the wall, I really couldn't be bothered hearing this rant.

"So what if he cares for me, like you said, I'm just as lost on who they really are as much as the rest of you are, so do not make me seem like the bad guy here. Because I'm not, if I was the bad guy," I paused to catch my breath and pushed myself off the wall, spun around and grabbed Rin by her shirt collar, "You would fucking know about it." I dropped the slightly trembling woman and lowered my hand when I noticed that she flinched, smirking still I stared her down, "So where is this shrink exactly. I don't have all day and neither do you."

As we made our way to the psychiatrist, I couldn't help but notice that she was still smirking. I wasn't about to say sorry, but I also knew that I needed to keep on her good side, "I- look, I didn't mean to let my anger get the best of me." I put my head down and heard a hum, glancing over her trembling was less. "And I want you to know, I'm going to make sure I minimise the chance of my temper blowing up again, promise!" I gave her a small closed eye smile, making my cheeks hurt - how long had it been since I last smiled? - and peeking my eyes open I noticed that her shoulders also slumped the tension gone. So she was relaxed. I felt a hand pat my shoulder making me jump slightly causing the bobbed lady to smile and laugh slightly.

"I'm sorry as well kid, look I know you're probably scared and don't want to admit you care about anyone in case it gets taken from you I get it, but look you're words can seriously hurt people and well, it's clear as day that Declan and Kara care about you and down here the people you surround yourself with become like family so I wanted to try and get through to you that it isn't alright to say that kind of stuff." 

"You also tried to get me through a wall, but you know..." She gave a laugh and stopped in front of a door that was stark white, reminding me of the lab. "Look...Zander...this corridor is going to look like the lab we just got you out of, you sure you're going to be alright?" I could feel myself pale, this might be where my confidence ended. Flashes of needles and bright lights covered my vision of memories I didn't remember that I forgot all over again seconds later. My breath began to speed up and I felt like a large weighted stone was on my chest as I suddenly found myself leaning on the wall. "Zander! Zander, Kid are you alright!?" I could barley nod, I just needed a few minuets and I'd be fine, surely. No, I was lying but maybe lying to myself was needed because the more I focused on being alright and all that good stuff that Rin kept telling me I felt myself start to breath slower.

Once I finally calmed down I saw Rin kneeling in front of me, how come I managed to let her get so close, damnit. She was holding my shoulders and saying something that I couldn't here, I could see her lips moving but couldn't actually hear it. And then, it all went black.

When I woke up, I was on a medical bed, strapped down with brown leather straps and discovered the room to be the most colourful medical room I had ever seen. There was a purple chair in the corner, a black desk with a grey computer, sky blue walls and a fuzzy looking green carpet. All in all it looked like the 70's had thrown up in it. But it was better than waking up in the white corridor that had been behind the door that caused me to freak out.

"Oh so you're awake then." A light German accent caught my attention.

My head snapped towards a woman, she had a bandana on her hair meaning I couldn't tell what colour it was, couldn't even see her eyebrows the damn thing went that low on her forehead. Her eyes seemed to change colours everytime I looked at them and she had a motherly look about her with her boot cut jeans and obnoxious 'Bea U Tiful' hoodie and thick squared rimmed glasses that tittered in the edge of her nose.

" Seems so lady. You are a lady right?" Her face seemed to show her disbelief and shock. "Excuse me!?"

Trying to pull against the leather keeping me in place I scoffed and looked away from her quickly before trying again in a more violent manner. "I'm just askin'. Look, most of the people I've met are the complete opposite to their appearance, like Rin for instance looks like a lady that would get broken if you tapped her and she's a fucking fighting machine, and well, you seem like the motherly type so you know, just checking you're not a transvestite or somethin'." "Oh."

"Yeah Oh, now can you-" I tried to force my restraints off of me as the shrink watched me, "Jesus Christ woman! Can you help me out of these things!?" She jumped from my risen voice and quickly walked over her heels that were coverd by  her jeans clicking as she scurried over, and started to unlock the leather and lift it and stepped back a so swung my legs over the side and lifted my arms over my head as I stretched.

"So who are you?"

"Doctor Spezi, and apologise for the restraints, Officer Hinata informed me that the last time you were greeted by a new face you beat them up. And after seeing Vincent for myself I must say you did a number on him."

"Yeah, so doc, I'm awfully sorry for you know wasting your time but I gotta ask you a few questions." "Wonderful, as do I."

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