Chap 11

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After waking up with Declan in my arms still stiff from his previous terror, I quickly lowered his form back onto the bad -realising that I had slept on my knees with my back leaning against the wall, which was not comfortable- and quickly got changed into some of the clothes from the wardrobe. There wasn't really much choice in what to wear, them all being the same dull lifeless grey and uniformed design. Seeing as I had been wearing the same jumpsuit for a long, long time, I took my time picking out my clothes, ending up with a pair of grey jogging pants and a grey tank top, with -give me a drum roll- a grey hoodie.

The clothes felt wired, they were baggy and it felt nice, I originally planned to wear the hoodie around my waist, a rather childish action yes, but it was something I felt was needed to make me feel comfortable, but I scrapped that when I saw scars all over me, I even considered putting the t-shirt on, I had noticed scars on Declan and Kara yesterday. But I didn't realise mine would be so bad. I had a scar that went from my left shoulder blade, round to the front of my shoulder and then snaked around my arm in a spiral shape before finishing on the back of my hand,  then my other arm had scars littering my bicep and a few on my wrists that looked self inflicted and without an explanation for them, I didn't want anybody to see them, but of course the one on my chest was a huge gash that went from one side of my stomach up to the bottom of my collar bone on the opposite side of my body. It was embarrassing to have scars that I don't know the story of. It's embarrassing to just not be able to remember anything, I feel like any second I'm going to slip up and it will get exposed that I don't know who they are, and how will they react? I don't want to know.

A small yawn that was down right adorable broke me out of my thoughts and from my position atop of the dressing table I saw Declan roll over and spring upright and look around terrified until I sprung forward and gripped his shoulders, letting him calm down when he noticed he wasn't alone. Releasing the kid slowly I stepped back and rose an eye brow when I saw his eyes traveling all over me. I sighed and jokingly scolded him; "Look kid, I know I'm good looking but there's no need to undress me with your eyes." I chuckled softly when his face went bright red. Stepping back I ruffled his greasy ginger hair before tossing him a pair of the male clothes (which consisted of grey jeans and a grey t-shirt) that I thought looked his size.

"Go have a shower kid, trust me, you'll feel much better afterwards. I'm gonna go see if I can find Kara or something, won't be gone long alright?" He nodded and I opened the door to our room and closed it behind me then for a few seconds stood awkwardly, I tried to remember the direction that I had seen the two walk off in last night but before I could start off anywhere, Vince appeared at my side, arm now facing the right way in a sling, on crutches with a few small plasters scattered here and there.

"You lost?"

"I'm as lost as you are beat up."

Hell Spawn (Book 1)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt