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The small stone hut that Luke had used for so many years was empty when Rey finally made it down from the temple. Where she had once sensed Ben and another strong force user was emptiness. Had she been imagining it all? No the force had pointed her in the right direction.

Where are they?

Taking a deep breath she reached out with the force searching for anything. Poe, Finn, and Rose were in the village by the beach with the caretakers. Not what she was looking for. She reached further letting her mind relax fully. Light. Darkness. Wildlife. The ocean. Ben, but no one else, just Ben.

Sighing she brought herself back and opened her eyes. Ben was making his way to the dark side of the island. A pit formed at the bottom of her stomach. What was he doing over there? It bothered her more than she cared to admit. He had come with her, he had stayed, Not that he had a choice. Was the light growing in him or was he waiting until he recovered to...


She was not going to let herself spiral into dismay. Ben was here, he was alive and he still had light in him she felt it. She just had to be patient, something she had years of practice in.

I can wait. I'm good at waiting for people.

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Ren moved quickly letting his feet find their own path as his mind raced. After Anakin had disappeared he had made sure to leave the damned dwelling. What did he know of his life? He did not know him and Ren did not know this Anakin. The stranger had claimed to be Darth Vader!


Something within him silently corrected his thoughts. Anakin had spoken only truth. A truth that was hard to swallow. How was he supposed to let go? So many lives cut short by his hand, men, women, children, entire villages all dead. Fathers, mothers, daughters, sons, siblings, grandparents all lost. How could he let go of all of his sins and expect forgiveness from those who still lived?

Suddenly he stopped, a massive circular break in the ground was in front of him. Black seaweed like foliage wove around itself and lined the edge of the gaping hole. Whispers wormed their way into his ears but he could not make out what they said. He felt an unusual urge to walk forward, curiosity engulfing him.

Within moments he found himself being sucked down into the darkness crashing into a watery grave filled with skeletons of unknown sea creatures some bigger than the Falcon. Ren pushed up and grasped the edge of the pool gasping for air. Pulling himself up he stared at the ebony glass in front of him. Reaching his hand out he touched the surface, un-phased by the darkness that echoed throughout the cave.

The walls of the cave melted away into nothingness. Kylo looked around him but found nothing but emptiness. He was alone. The silence was deafening. Picking a direction he ran as fast as he could searching for something anything.

After what seemed like eternity Kylo came to a sliding stop and screamed in frustration. Heart pounding against his chest he turned around looking once again for something, someone, but he was alone. He fell to his knees panic setting in and taking over his mind. Always alone. Always abandoned. Always betrayed.

"See you around kid." Blinking Ren looked up at his father, the emptiness that had once surrounded him was replaced by the Millennium Falcon's cockpit.

A younger version of himself passed through Kylo and hugged his father. "I know how to fly now dad! Let me come with you please, please, please!"

Han returned his young son's embrace and grinned, "Not yet kid. You're not quit tall enough to reach all of the controls."

"Awwwwww." Young Ben Solo looked down disappointed, "Okay."

I never meant to hurt you...

Kylo Ren swallowed hard the empty pit growing within him. Everything melted away once again replacing it with the Jedi Temple his uncle had built.

Standing he walked through the long halls. The temple had taken Luke years to build and repair and the end result had been magnificent. In the distance Ren saw the group of young padawans with specialized sticks doing their best to mimic their Master's movements. Young Ben tripped and fell forward into one of the other boys, the other students laughed at him. Embarrassed the little Solo ran down the hall Luke following close behind. Ren remembered that being the first time he had ever tried the exercise and how Luke had spent the next few hours encouraging him and showing him how to master the sequence. The next day he was the best in the group.

Why did you betray me...

Tears began to well in the corners of his eyes emotion getting the best of him. Everything faded once more and transformed into his room on Coruscant when it had just been him and his mother. Leia tucked her son into bed kissing him on the forehead.

"Goodnight my pilot."

As she reached the door Ben sat up and asked quietly, "When will father come home?"

The look that covered Leia's face was clearly pained  but she still attempted a brave face. "Soon love, soon. Goodnight."

No. He will never come back.

Kylo's breathing quickened, his heart was in his throat now, choking on emotions that were once easily usher aside cake cascading through. Tears fell tracing lines down his face.

"I came for answers!" He screamed into the abyss. "Not torture!"

The darkness swirled in response images appeared and disappeared just as fast around him.

"Fear of loss leads to the dark side."
"What have I done?"
"You were the chosen one!"
"Ben wait! No!"

The only images that came clearly now were those of death. Screams echoed through the space piercing his ears. The faces of those he had killed, tortured, murdered surrounded him. Blaster fire and sounds of his saber were accompanied by blood curdling screams, begging, pleading, and yells of defiance.

Kylo closed his eyes tightly and covered his ears trying to block it all out. It was too much. He could not hear it anymore. The guilt was overwhelming. He had killed them all! He had killed his father who taught him so much, caused the death of his caring mother, and Luke...he had never forgiven him never gave him a chance to explain and had reacted instead despite Luke's words. Killed his fellow padawans. Turned the others to the empty darkness. It was all his fault.

One more voice echoed through the overwhelming swirl of darkness.

"Your past can ruin your future if you allow it."

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