Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

*Mitch's POV*

After hanging out with Scott and Kirstie, I walked straight into my room and collapsed onto my bed. It was a Friday night but I'd better do my homework now. I took all AP classes, which required a lot of work and time. I knew that this weekend I'd be working and doing other 'important' things. My life was so stressful, sometimes I couldn't handle it, which would lead me to resort to other things. I pulled down the sleeves on my hoodie at the reminder and sighed. I wished I were still in Scott's company. Although I was the one who acted more confident, being around him made me feel safe and protected.

I felt my phone vibrate in my jeans pocket. It was probably some girl that I barely knew, a lot of them seemed to like me, it's too bad-

It vibrated again. I took out my phone to see who texted me. I was surprised to see that it was Scott.

Him: still not going to prom ;)

Him: just give up now :p i wouldnt care if you found me the prettiest girl to go with. you won't be there to make it fun, anyway.

I raised my eyebrows at the second message. Should I go to prom? No, I couldn't no matter what. I had something to do that day. And shouldn't he appreciate going to prom with a beautiful lady? I texted him back.

Me: oh shush :p I'm not giving up and I can't. I have something planned that day.

Him: you can't make me buy the ticket.

Me: watch me. ;)

Him: lol I'm going to sleep. Goodnight, Mitch Grassi. Don't let the bed bugs bite. ;)

I felt my face heat up at his text. It probably didn't mean anything, I'm just over thinking it. I replied with something just as questionable. I bit my lip as I hit send.

Me: night. And what if I want them to bite? ;)

He didn't text back, he probably fell asleep. I sighed as I got out my school stuff. No sleep for me, tonight.


A/n: so I got extremely bored and decided to write a chapter. Hope you enjoy!

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