Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

*Scott's POV*

For the rest of the week I didn't really get to talk to Mitch, that's understandable though since he has been so busy with school work and sports and being popular. Once it was Friday I just went home and collapsed onto the couch in the living room. I was exhausted with junior year. I just wanted it to be over, including prom. Why did it have to be where you had to have a date? I mean sure, you could go dateless, but who does that? Not many. I wasn't really attracted to any of the girls at our school anyway, which kind of was weird. I'm sure they weren't attracted to me either, I mean I'm just awkward in every fiber of my being. I let out a very audible sigh. "What's wrong with you?" I was hit with a throw pillow. I removed my face from the couch and turned to face my mom. She looked genuinely tired but she still forced a smile. I could see the pain behind her shield. She was so strong for herself, and for me. I sat up lazily and decided to give the easiest answer.

"Just tired from school."

"Those are supposed to be the best days of your life, kiddo. Trust me, they were for me. I also heard from Kirstin's mother, that prom is next week," she wiggled her eyebrows at me.

"They haven't been the best days for me, so far. And I'm not going," I looked down at my fidgeting hands to avoid her stare.

"Yes, you are, Scott. You can't miss prom, and I'm telling you now, you'll regret it later if you do," she gave me a small smile and ruffled my hair. I sighed quietly and threw myself back onto the couch. I should go to prom, for her. But with who?

My eyes began to feel heavy and I felt myself drift off to sleep right there on the couch, on a Friday night.

I was woken up a bit later by the annoyingly loud doorbell. I was a bit more annoyed than usual because I thought it had been the alarm to get up for school. I groggily got up from the couch and opened the door slowly. I was immediately snatched out of my grogginess when I heard a high pitched greeting, "Hello! Wanna hang?" It was Mitch. He was standing there on my porch, with the most enthusiastic look on his face. Sometimes I really wondered if his life consisted of all ups and no downs. Of course, everyone had their secrets. I pushed the thought to the back of my head and realized I hadn't spoke yet.

"Yeah, sure," I stepped fully out of the house and closed the front door behind me. I was actually really happy he showed up, it was better than sleeping the day away. And also, it was Mitch Grassi.

We walked down the sidewalk toward his house, I wondered what he meant by hang.

"Do you just wanna hang out over at my place? I have tons of food and stuff to do. I don't really have money or else we could go out," he said it all so quickly, I could barely process it.

"Yeah, that's fine. It's better than sleeping," I gave him a smile. The corner of one side of his mouth slowly went up into a smirk. It gave me the oddest feeling in my stomach.

"Maybe sleeping together would be better," he gave me a sly smile before running up his driveway. Was Mitch Grassi flirting with me? Why was he so confusing and why am I not freaked out, but enjoying it?

For the next few hours we listened to music, watched t.v and played video games. There was a few times he got dangerously close or touched me for no apparent reason. Of course, I did the same. This was a fun little game, and hopefully I wouldn't end up losing.


A/n: happy superfruit day!! Well see you guys laterrr, I might post again Thursday or Friday ^_^

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