Chapter 20: Finale (part 2)

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Mitch's POV

"What do you mean I can't live here anymore?" I asked, my voice barely a whisper.

"You're gay and I don't support that. It's not natural and I think you're just doing it for attention. Pathetic." She hissed her venom at me, putting extra emphasis on the 'pathetic'.

My head was spinning. I backed away from my mother slowly trying to stop my sobs from overtaking my body. I turned around as fast as I could before making a break for the front door. I ran out into the thunderstorm, being blinded by the rain and my tears. I was basically drowning. I ran out into the street and was blinded by white before hitting the ground and feeling like I was dead.

I woke up gasping for air and holding my chest. It took a second for me to realize it was only a dream. I then realized that my shirt and my whole body was drenched in perspiration.

I sighed putting my face in my hands. That dream seemed so real. My mom really wouldn't do that would she?

I threw the covers off of me and swung my legs over the bed. The instant I put my feet on the cold wood I felt relaxed. I took my soaked shirt off and fanned myself with my hands, it felt like my room was 100 degrees. I looked at my clock on my night stand and saw that it was 5 in the morning. I knew I couldn't go back to sleep now. I knew what I had to do today. I had to tell my parents, it was like a weight on my chest and it needed to be lifted.


"Morning," My mom said as she poured coffee into her '#1 mom' coffee mug.

"Good morning," I said quietly.

"How was prom? I haven't really talked to you since the day of."

"It was actually really fun."

"Did Kirstie have fun?" She asked, looking at me.

I smiled slightly. "Well, she kinda left the dance with this guy named Jeremy and Esther left with a guy named Kevin..."

"So you and Scott were ditched by your dates?!" She looked at me bewildered. "And why are you smiling?" Her voice went up on the word smiling. It was so funny when she did that.


"Sit down and explain," She gestured toward the couch with her coffee mug.

I sat down on the couch as I was told and took in a breath. I had a plan.

"I'm gonna tell you something that should clear everything up. Please don't be mad," I said as she sat on the couch across from me.

"I'm sure I won't be mad. Go ahead."

I took in a long breath and breathed it out slowly. "I'm gay, mom." I looked at her face and it went from blank to confused to happy?

"So... You and Scott have something going on?" The tone of her voice was sincere in the fact that she really was curious. She wasn't angry.

"Yeah..." I looked down at my hands. A silence filled the air and I wasn't sure how to feel.

"That's so cute." I looked up to see that she was smiling ear to ear. I grinned and got up to hug her.

"I love you mom."

"I love you too, hun. Call Scott and invite him over for dinner," She said as she stood up from the couch.

I looked at her warily. "You're gonna embarrass me."

"Mitch don't be silly."

"I'm not being silly I'm being serious," I responded giggling. She rolled her eyes at me before her phone rang.

"I'm gonna take this call and then we're gonna talk more about this." She grinned at me before answering her phone. I sighed loudly. I felt so much better. I ran up the stairs to grab my phone so I could call Scott and tell him the good news.


I was sitting on the couch watching TV as I heard the door bell ring. I bolted from the couch and ran to the door. I opened it slowly to see a very handsome Scott.

"Why hello handsome," I said as I stepped out onto the porch, closing the screen door behind me.

"Hi, cutie," he leaned down to peck me on the lips and I blushed, hoping my mom hadn't seen the affection. I opened the door and stood against it allowing him to enter the house first. I followed suit and sneaked a few glances at his butt.

"Hi Scott! I hope you like lasagna," my mom shouted from across the kitchen.

"Of course! Thank you for inviting me over," Scott replied as he walked over to the kitchen table.

"Well Mitch mentioned you and I insisted. You guys seem to be good friends," my mom said as she put a piece of lasagna on a plate. I gave her a glare she couldn't see before turning to see Scott smiling like a moron. I felt my cheeks heat up as I sat across from him. This was going to be a long and embarrassing dinner.


"Your mom is an angel," Scott grunted as he fell back onto my bed.

"An angel that likes to embarrass me," I said as I cuddled beside him, nuzzling my face into his neck.

"The Mitch Grassi is embarrassed?" Scott giggled.

"Oh shut up," I said, my voice being muffled from me being nuzzled into him.

"Make me."

I leaned up on one elbow and leaned down to give him a passionate kiss. I slid my hand down his chest and to his hip where I squeezed it lightly. I bit his lip and tucked a finger under his waist band. He let out a quiet moan. I lifted my lips away from his and whispered, "That shut you up for a second."

He sighed, "Shut up."

"Make me." He put his hand on the back of my neck and pulled me down for another intense kiss. He kissed me like his life depended on it.


"So Mitch," Scott stood on my sidewalk with his hands resting lazily in his pockets. It was midnight and he still hadn't gone home.


"I never officially asked you."

"Ask me what?" I looked at him confused.

He walked closer to me taking his hands out of his pockets and taking my hands in his. I was instantly relaxed by their warmth.

"Will you, Mitch Grassi, be my boyfriend?" I smiled like a little girl.

I giggled, "Of course you dumbass." I reached up and kissed him, cupping his face in my hands. He gabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him, pouring all his emotions into one kiss.

I never felt more completed in my life.


Well, it's over..

I hope you guys enjoyed it because I know I did and it wouldn't have been such a great ride without you guys. I'm so excited to finally tag this story as completed!! Ah *tears*

I love you guys so much.

Stay tuned for more stories to come. I am currently working on three new stories. Three!!!!!!! All scomiche. Here are the titles:

Do You Really Love Me?

I'm Still Him

Doctor Please Save me

Are you guys excited yet bc I KNOW I AM

And in the future I will be writing kavi fanfics and some other new shiet


Ok that's it lolll

Bye lovelies,


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