Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

A/n: I'm a day late, sorry! So what was your favorite impression from the superfruit episode? It was so hilarious ^_^ Oh and guys, I uploaded a PTX one shot book, so maybe check it out? Pretty please with a strawberry on top? ;) And go check out my friend, PTX_Pentaholic99, she is the sweetest thing and an amazing writer. So go check her out if you haven't already :) Lol alright, on with the storyyyy


*Mitch's POV*

Tomorrow is prom. My suit was bought and everything was planned out to every detail possible, but I still didn't feel ready. I knew Kirstie was freaking out but yet she was so excited. Almost too excited for me to handle.

I was also anxious to see how handsome Scott would look tomorrow. It'd be almost unbearable to keep my hands off of him. I felt butterflies at the thought, almost every thought of mine included Scott. I decided to text him, it was a Friday night and who better to spend it with, than him?

Me: hey, babes

Him: hey, Mitch Grassi

Me: what's up?

Him: just layin down

Him: you?

Me: same. want to hang out? ;)

I was feeling flirty, and I was sure he wouldn't mind.

Him: your place? gonna make me dinner? if so, I'll come ;)

Me: depends :p just come over.

Him: fine.

I waited impatiently for him to come. I had a million butterflies in my stomach already, and I hadn't even seen him yet. I heard a light knock on the front door and my heart nearly fell out of my chest. I put my hand on my heart in a desperate attempt to calm myself down. I strolled over to the door slowly and opened it. Let me just say: Scott looked flawless. I let my eyes scan his body from head to toe, and to say I was pleased with his appearance, was an understatement. Scott cleared his throat and I realized I hadn't said anything yet. I felt heat rise to my face. How could he be doing this to me?

"Um, hi," I stepped to the side so he could come in. My eyes followed his body as he strode in.

"So, what's for dinner?" He gave a smirk.

"It depends," I looked him straight into the eyes, trying to be as serious as possible.

"Hmm?" He raised an eyebrow at me. God, he looked adorable.

"I'll make you dinner, if we call this a date," I felt myself blush at the word 'date'. Scott shifted from one foot to the other. I was scared he would say no, or worse, not answer. I hadn't really thought about it, but I guess I would love to be with Scott.

"Yes," he replied. I blinked. Did he really just say yes? We're on a date?! I felt a huge smile form on my face. I walked over to him, grabbed his hand and led him to the kitchen.

"What do you want to eat?" I asked. I was hoping he'd say something simple because I wasn't the best cook.

"Mm I'm in the mood for some pizza," he gave me a sly smile. I wasn't sure what it meant, but it made the room instantly feel hotter.

"Well, I'll order it since we have no frozen ones," I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and looked for my favorite pizza place, in my contacts.

"Okay," he walked passed me, sliding his hand down my back as he walked by. Shivers went through my spine and I could barely stand anymore. The attraction I had toward him, was incomprehensible.

After I ordered the pizza, I found him in my room, looking around. He looked at me for a second and suddenly his face turned into a look of confusion. "What?" I questioned, a little concerned.

"Didn't you have to be with your dad today?" He asked, walking over to me.

"Yeah but then he had an "important meeting" he had to attend," I looked down at my feet. I bet it wasn't a meeting at all, but instead he was seeing a girl. Even though he was married to my mother.

Scott placed his hand on my arm and lifted my chin with his finger. He gave me a look that I never saw before. It was almost like pain but there was something else. I felt entranced by his blue eyes. All of a sudden he pulled me into a hug and he held me tight. I hugged him back, like my life depended on it. I rested my head on his chest and closed my eyes. For once in my life, everything felt calm. After a few seconds he pulled away, "So, what do you want to do?" I thought about it for a second. I really didn't plan anything out.

"Um we can watch a movie or something?"

"Sure. Finding Nemo?" An amused smile formed on his lips. I giggled, of course he would say something like that.

"Sounds good," I found the DVD, yes I have the movie, put it in and laid on my bed. Scott quickly joined me and laid next to me. We were both on our stomachs facing the TV. I resisted the urge to turn my head and eye his body. After a few minutes of the movie, Scott turned onto his side and put his arm around me. I instantly reacted by also turning onto my side and cuddling into him. It was hard to watch the movie this way but I didn't care.

"I like this," Scott whispered against my ear. Again with the shivers. I turned my body so that I was facing him and put my hand on his waist. I looked at his lips, his pink, full lips... Then the damn doorbell rang.

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