Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

*Mitch's POV*

Scott leaned in the rest of the way and kissed me. So he did like me, maybe? I was a bit hesitant at first because I wasn't sure if this was right, Scott could just be confused and not really gay at all. Then I would get hurt... But the instant he kissed me it felt so good, I couldn't resist. There was a chance I could be with Scott and I was going to fight to get it. I just hoped I wouldn't get hurt.

Our kiss was starting to deepen when someone knocked on the door. I cursed whoever it was, that was one of the most amazing moments I've ever had. I had almost fell off the bed though, from jerking away from him so fast.

Thankfully Scott's mother didn't seem suspicious about anything. I instantly felt bad about what we had just done, I was the one who leaned in first and caused the kiss to happen. I said the only thing I could think of, "I'm sorry."

"Don't be... I was the one who..." He didn't have to finish his sentence for me to know what he was going to say. The tone in his voice made it sound as though he liked it but felt bad, I had to assure him it was okay.

"I wanted you to," and I truly did, I wanted Scott to kiss me in that moment. It was like a test. I couldn't bare to stay in that room alone with him any longer. I was almost scared that the previous moment would be taken away with a sudden outburst. I walked out the door quickly and headed for the kitchen. I needed to eat and get my mind off this.


On Tuesday I went to key club right after school, which meant I'd see Scott there since he was in it too. Key club is just a group of people who volunteer to help out the community. So of course I'm going to be in it. I had actually made Scott join, to help him be more social. Ever since Sunday we've been kind of distant from each other. Not really in a bad way though, we've just needed time to think. I'm going to try to talk to him today and possibly give him a ride home.

Throughout the whole meeting we just discussed local events that'd be happening soon and of course I'd be going to all of them. Scott and I had made eye contact a few times and I could tell he wanted to talk to me.

"Do you need a ride home?" I asked Scott after the meeting was officially over. He hesitated at first and I thought he was going to say no.

"Um, sure," he said, looking directly into my eyes then back down to the ground. I just wanted to hold him and tell him it was okay. I resisted the urge. I headed out into the hallway, dangling my keys from my hand, making a sound. I had to do something to keep it from being completely silent.

Scott spoke up once we were almost to my car, it almost scared me because of how random it was. "I need to ask you something," he said seriously. It made my heart beat faster, I was a bit worried. What if he was mad at me? What if he didn't want to be friends anymore? I tried to calm myself down.

"Yeah?" I tried to say it without my voice shaking. I walked over next to him as we stopped at my car. I rested my hands on the trunk as so did he.

"Did you want to kiss me?" He looked me straight into the eyes. I couldn't read the look on his face. I gave him my honest answer, since he had the guts to ask that in the first place.

"Yeah, I did," I could feel a small smile pulling at the corners of my mouth. He smiled almost immediately in reaction. His smile was amazing, and what was more amazing was the fact that I was the cause of it. I put my hand lightly on top of his. His smile only grew bigger in response. Oh how badly I wanted to grab him right then and there and just pour all my emotions into a very passionate kiss. I bit my lip, these tempting thoughts were tormenting me. Scott shook his head, still smiling, then walked away from me and waited by the passenger door. Of course he couldn't get in, I hadn't unlocked it yet. I decided to play with him.

"You're not getting in until you answer my question," he raised his eyebrows at me. "Did you want to kiss me?" I put emphasis on the you. He answered immediately.

"Yeah," he winked, or at least I thought he winked, before continuing, "Now let me in, Mitch Grassi," I clicked the unlock button and smirked at him. This boy, I swear.

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