Chapter 18

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Do I even need a smut warning? XD and also this is my first time writing and publishing smut so hopefully I don't do too bad ;)



*Mitch's POV*

"How are we getting home, if that's where we're going?" I questioned. I still wondered what he meant by his comment earlier.

'Or taking this somewhere else?'

It made shivers go down my spine and butterflies fill every ounce of my stomach.

"I'll call the limousine to pick us up..ah but wait we're Kirstie and Esther's ride. Shit."

"Kirstie said she's going home with Esther, in Kevin's car," I said. He still didn't tell me where we were going. "But where are we going?"

"Oh, okay good. I'll call Tim then and have him come now. We're going...somewhere," Scott smirked at me before getting up to go call the driver. He was driving me crazy.


"Where are we goinnggg?" I whined to Scott.

"I said you'll see when we get there!" Scott looked out the window briefly, "Besides, we're almost there--like we're pulling in now."

"Thank god," I replied, earning a playful shove from Scott.

I stepped out of the limousine and gawked up at the huge house, while Scott thanked the driver. This house was huge! I wondered how we were going to stay there for the night.

"Who's house is this?" I asked, intertwining my fingers with Scott's.

"My family's. We use it as a vacation home, but haven't in a couple years. There's a spare key in a plant by the door. Weird, I know."

"Wow. So, we're gonna have this whole house to ourselves for the whole night?" I enticed, my voice growing higher in excitement.

"Yup." Scott squeezed my hand lightly and looked down at me in amusement. "I actually didn't plan for this to happen, since I thought we'd be with Kirstie and Esther all night."

"Well, I'm glad I'm here with you, alone, instead." I snuggled my face into his shoulder as we walked up to the huge porch. My tummy was going crazy and my heart was beating faster. I knew tonight was going to be unforgettable.


"Stop running so damn fast!" I yelled as I about ran into one of the sofas. Somehow a game of tag commenced and Scott was too fast for this game to actually work. I stopped running and listened for a second. I couldn't hear him running anymore. The house was eerily quiet. I looked around downstairs and concluded he wasn't here. Did this turn into a game of hide n seek? I walked up the long set of spiraling stairs and before me stood the longest hallway I'd ever seen with about a million different doors on each side. Finding him was going to take just about forever.

"Really Scott!!" I shouted, knowing I probably wouldn't get a reply.

"I'm in here!" He replied back quickly, to my surprise. It didn't really help though. His voice sounded distant so I guessed he was in one of the rooms way down the hall.

I opened the second to last door and popped my head in, it was pitch black. "Scott?" No reply. I moved onto the next room. This one had a table lamp on but as I peered in, no one seemed to be in there.

"Boo!!" I pair of arms wrapped around my waist.

"Ahhh! Oh my fucking god Scott. I'm gonna kill you!!" I practically had a heart attack. I turned around to face him, plastering the best angry look I could on my face.

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