snapping out of it

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The waves crash against the rocks, creating a small echo under the pier. Liza sits on the cold, damp sand watching them, she too under the pier. It's her spot. The place she loves to sit and take in her surroundings. The place where she can feel things she'd never dare to feel if she were anywhere but here. It's her safety net to life. It's her spot.

She's been sitting her longer than she normally would today though. Maybe because she has no where else to be considering summer vacation has officially begun or maybe it's because today's a rough one. It always is.

"I thought I'd find you here" a voice says from behind her. Liza doesn't even need to turn around to know that it's her best friend Kristen checking up on her like she does every day.

"I needed to think" Liza replies.

"Hey, no need to tell me why you're here. I just wanted to make sure you're okay" Kristen announces as she takes a seat next to her long term best friend.

The pair sit in silence, listening to the waves. They've been best friends since middle school and know each other like the back of their hands.

After ten minutes of wave watching and unspoken words, Kristen breaks the sugar bowl. "Gabbie, Corinna and I are going to the beach. We're having a girls day tanning and swimming before trying out that new restaurant up the street. You can join us if you want but we understand if you don't Okay?".

Liza nods her head but doesn't speak. Kristen looks down at the "R" Liza wrote in the sand before giving her best friend a side hug and scrambling to her feet. Nothing else is said before Kristen leaves Liza seated on the sand. Hot tears rolling down her face silently.

Back at the beach, Corinna and Gabbie lay on their beach towels, both facing the burning hot Californian sun. Their sunglasses are covering their eyes and their body's are smothered in sun cream. Kristen plops down onto her towel and sighs, feeling like she failed. Both blonde girls beside her sit up and look over at their friend with confused expressions.

"Well?" Corinna asks.

"Did you find her?" Gabbie questions.

Kristen nods her head yes before opening up her book and beginning to read the next chapter. Corinna nudges Gabbie who already has a saddened expression on her face. They really thought this time they'd be able to convince Liza to join. She hasn't been the same person for a year now. That's way too long to go without having your best friend. Liza knows all about that.

"So what time are we heading for food because I'm famished" Corinna asks, flipping over onto her stomach.

"You should be watching what you're eating C" Kristen jokes, laughing at the shocked expression her friend now has on her face.

"Ohhhh that was mean" Gabbie laughs, pinching Kristen's arm. The three of them burst out into fits of laughter, trying to annoy each other.

Liza sighs as the "R" washes away due to a wave coming a little too close. "Ironic" she thinks as she watches it fade. She feels a sudden coldness and remembers just where she is. The lonely girl pulls out her phone from the back pocket of her shorts. Her black screen lights up to reveal her home screen photo of her and her three best friends jumping off of the pier. Their midway in the air, holding hands and probably screaming with laughter. She misses those times. Liza has 3 missed calls from her mom but doesn't bother to phone her back before standing up and leaving her spot.

She hopes that they haven't left yet. It's only 6pm and the sun hasn't even started to go down yet so the possibility of them still tanning is very high.

Her long caramel coloured legs walk over the warm sand, burning her feet a little as they sink to the bottom. She glances over at the sea as she struts. Families are playing  in the water, dogs are going for a swim and people are badly attempting water activities.

Then she sees them. The familiar trio she's known forever. Two blondes and a brunette. Liza is the other brunette that evens out the playing field.

She finds herself smiling as she watched them laugh and have fun. Liza feels awful for the ways she's treated them this past year but she had her reasons after all. Liza comes out of her thoughts when she hears Corinna speak.

"No but seriously, can we go get food now"

Liza's lips morphs into a smile as she remembers just how much Corinna can eat and never put any of the weight on. It's incredible. She takes this as a perfect opportunity to say hi.

"I second that motion. I too am starving" Liza announces, walking over to the three friends. Their expressions are unreadable. She hopes they're not too mad at her.

"You came?" Kristen says with disbelief lacing her tone. Liza smiles and nods her head. Has she really been distant that long that her friends are surprised to see her.

"You got fat" Gabbie laughs, trying to not make it as awkward as it was getting. Liza makes some sort of offended noise and flicks Gabbie's nose.

"And so did your nose"Liza replies, joking of course.

Gabbie laughs at Liza's comment before rising to her feet and wrapping both arms around the small girls body tightly.

"Welcome back"

Hi sisters!

i have not edited this chapter so it may be rubbish in terms of spelling and grammar. however I love this book already and have big plans for it !!

stay tuned !

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