self distruct

943 37 38

Liza has been too caught up in the moment plus she's been feeling extremely overwhelmed to have noticed that he didn't say it back to her because as far as she can remember her did.

Right now, she's packing to go back to the hotel. Doctor Holmes wanted her to stay over night incase her blood levels dropped but they didn't. they stayed perfectly fine thanks to David.

As far as labels go, they haven't got one. They're too happy just being with each other right now and don't really want to make anything official in a hospital room but it's okay because at least know they both know the truth. sorta.

"Okay liza try not to get yourself into any more trouble while you're here" doctor Holmes chuckles as he waves the two of them off. David got the jeep from the hotel to pick Liza up and bring her back. She's dying for some sun and to see her friends.

Both Liza and David wave at the doctor as they drive off. she makes herself comfortable by putting her feet up on the chair and leaning on David's shoulder. He smirks at her actions and how comfortable they are with doing these little signs of affection.

when they arrive back at the hotel, Liza is greeted by her best friends, each one of them giving her thee biggest bear hugs possible.

"Boy night tonight?" Zane asks David when he gets out of the car and walks over to them. He nods his head, clearly down for the idea of getting shit wasted and spending time with his friends.

They disappear up to the hotel room without saying another word to the girls. Liza goes to look for him when she finally escapes from Corinna and her obsessive need to hug her, Liza thinks they forget how tiny she is sometimes.

she reaches up to knock on their hotel room door just as scotty opens the door, surprised to see her standing i front of him.

"hey there's survivor girl. David's not here" he tells her, grabbing the ice bucket and closing the door behind him.

"Where is he?" liza questions. Maybe he's gone to the restaurant or bar or somewhere else.

"couldn't tell ya" Scott smiles.

"oh well, thanks anyway" she says before walking off.

Scott sighs as he looks down to the floor. "even if I wanted to".

David opens another bottle of beer and chugs it like there no tomorrow. Zane and Todd give him a cheer along with a few pats on the back.

"that's our boy" Todd grins, taking a sip from his own bottle.

The four amigos have been drinking beer and shots since 7pm. It's now currently 11pm. They don't care though because as long as they're together and having fun, that's all that matters.

The slightly drunk boy looks at the sunset. The colours of orange and pink are beautiful and quite frankly breathtaking .David loved watching the sunset when he was younger. He wishes he still watched it more often.

"Dude" Scott nudges, pointing to the area where Gabbie and Liza just walked in, taking a seat in the sun loungers and drinking their teas. David takes a shot before standing up.

"There's a clu-club somewhere near here" he slurs, finding it very difficult to stand up. The boys are able to catch him in time before he falls on the ground.

"We should get you to bed" Zane informs him, trying not to make a scene so the girls don't look over at them because then Liza would worry and who knows why David will say when he's this pissed.

"No, I'll take him. You two stay" Scott instructs, taking the utterly wasted boy and helping him walk inside.

Scott manages to get David inside the elevator but just as they're about to reach their floor, it cuts out and stops. Scott presses the emergency button, calling for help. He isn't afraid of being trapped in a small room, he's afraid of being trapped in a small room with drunk David for the next hour.

"Okay man, spit it out. What's with the sudden need to get shit faced, so shit faced that you forget your own name?" Scott asks him slowly so he understands.

David looks defeated as he slides down the wall and lands on the floor with a little thud, one that sure to leave a mark somewhere Scott doesn't want to know about.

"I can't keep doing this scooter" he sighs, leaning his head back against the wall. Scott joins the boy, also sitting on the floor.

"doing what? hiding it from liza" he says, knowing perfectly well that's the reason why davids having an episode. David nods his head slowly.

"she's going to find out eventually dude. if I were you, I'd make sure she found out from me and nobody else" Scott yells him, feeling sorry for his friend. he's having a rough time.

"Scott don't you think i know that?" David asks rhetorically. Of course he knows that he should be the one to tell Liza and he needs to tell her fast but he's also just got her. the last thing he wants is to loose her now.

"Just give me until the end of this week please. I just want to spend time with her. I want to give her the love and attention she deserves. I want to be with her without having her look at me or even think of me differently just because she knows" he cries, letting a few tears fall.

Scott's heart goes out to him, it really does. He hates seeing one of his best friends in so much pain but what David doesn't know is that it's affecting him too. Zane, Todd, Scott, his mom, sibling, dad. everyone. It's affecting everyone.

"i don't want her to think of me as David. the boy with cancer"

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