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"I hate this part"

Liza laughs as David grips onto the arm rest until his knuckles go white. Clearly he's not good with flying or maybe it's just the taking off part. She takes his hand from the arm rest and holds it in hers, letting him squeeze her hand instead.

"thanks" David says, his eyes still closed and heart beating fast but now for a completely different reason.

"yo davie, did you get the green light from your doctor?" Todd asks stupidly, not thinking about what words he just vomited. Zane hits his shoulder lightly, his way of telling him he should shut up.

"Why would you need your doctors permission to come?" Liza questions curiously. All day she's been hearing small comments about David and the doctor and at first she didn't want to asks but when she over heard Michelle ask if he was sure he wanted to go, she got even more anxious and wanted to know more than she did before.

"I just have really bad travel sickness" David informs her, still not opening his eyes. "And Todd of course I got the green light or else I wouldn't be here dumbass" he adds.

Liza looks over at Kristen and Scott who have fallen asleep together. He and her are an official thing as of yesterday. Liza is really happy for them, she just wants that kind of love they have. Maybe she will. Someday.

Gabbie and Corinna decided to sit together so they could watch gossip girl on Gabbie's laptop and talk about their crushes on Todd and Zane. It seems they still have a while to go before either of them make a move.

Three hours into to flight and everyone's fallen asleep. everyone except Liza. It might just be because she's nervous about what she's planning on telling David but she can't help but worry about his reaction in case he laughs at her for being so idiotic and actually thinking they had something. Even now with his head resting on her shoulder and his hand placed perfectly in hers - like they were made for each other- she's having doubts about telling him anything.

"What's wrong?" David mumbles, still half asleep. Liza moves her head slightly to the left to look down at him. His eyes are still closed and he looks so content.

"nothing. go back to sleep" she demands, not wanting him to worry but of course, David being the kind of guy he is, opens his eyes and looks up at the brow eyed beauty. He swears every time he looks into her eyes he gets lost in space.

"liar" he whispers but loud enough for her to hear. she laughs a little while stroking his mop of brown hair. she likes when he doesn't wear a hat because then she can appreciate his messy locks of chestnut hair that suits him perfectly well.

Liza doesn't argue back because she knows he's right. She is lying, but to who? herself? him? her friends? everyone.

Still tired, david nuzzles his head into liza more, trying to get comfortable again. When he finally does, he pulls out his laptop from his bag and switches it on so he can put on a movie for them to both watch.

When Liza puts in her earphones, she hears the familiar sound of the Jurassic Park theme song and smiles widely. Somehow in the space of a few weeks, this boy has managed to read her like a book and know her like the back of his hands. She couldn't be more happier when he remembers every little detail about her.

Everyone woke up 30 minutes before the flight landed and currently, they're in the transportation that's taking them to the hotel.

"Okay everyone listen up" Scott yells from his seat next to Zane and David. In his hands, he holds clipboards and pens.

"Here are your itinerary's. Your room keys and menus for your meals" Zane announces, handing them out one by one.

Everyone looks over the activities they'll be doing this week. Activities that range from cave diving to sky diving. Liza doesn't know how she feels bout cave diving yet. The ocean is a scary place especially when you can't see what's under you but maybe seeing some dolphins or clown fish will ease her mind.

The bus stops outside of the hotel. Its huge and fancy and not what any of the girls expected. the boys on the other hand knew what the hotel looked like, the girls didn't.

They all gather their luggage from the the bus and when they reach the hotel lobby,the girls say bye to the boys before being escorted to their rooms by one of the members of staff.

David walks up to the hotels front desk and gives them his name and other important information. The man at the desk gives him his room keys and he thanks him then returns to his friends.

"So have you told Liza why you're here?" Scott asks him as they wait on Zane coming back from the bathroom and Todd coming back from the snack bar.

"Not yet" David confesses and Scott opens his mouth to speak, probably wanting to yell at him. "But I'm going to. I just need time to think of how"

Scott's look of disappointment washes away into sympathy. "David I know it's going to be hard to tell her but if you're serious about her and the feelings you have for her. You need to let her know"

David closes his eye, wishing what scott said wasn't true and he could forget about all of this but he can't. It a huge secret he can't keep for much longer.

"I will. soon"

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