no longer

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Corinna and Todd got into a fight about what happened on the boat. Corinna insists she wasn't jealous but everyone knows she was.

Since they came back, Liza and Gabbie have spent all their time in the hotel room while the others lounge by the pool. Soon liza has to get ready for her date with David. She decides to wear an ivory skater dress and her favourite pair of white sandals. Gabbie starts to style her hair, putting it half up into a mini bun and leaving her loose curls down.

She applies make up to her best friends face and paints her nails and toes, making sure she looks the veg best for her big night.

"Do you think Corinna and Todd will be okay. I really didn't think she'd get jealous of us jumping in the water together" Liza admits, praying that she can come back from this.

"Babe I just think they need time, you know what they say, distance makes the heart grow fonder right?" Gabbie reminds her, finishing up.

"Thank you and I don't just mean for helping me tonight. I mean for everything you do for me" Liza says with a soft smile slowly growing. Gabbie kisses the girls forehead.

"you don't have to thank me. what are friends for anyway right?".

When Liza's ready and just waiting for time to pass by so she can leave. Kristen and Corinna walk into the room together. When Corinna's eyes land on Liza she rolls them and makes and "ugh" sound. The feeling of guild surrounds Liza again but also hurt. She knows what she done was wrong but it still wasn't a big deal. It's not like they made out or anything. He literally jumped into the water with her and when Corinna got mad, he left Liza to go talk to corinna.

"Don't you have that date tonight?" Kristen asks as she packs her suitcase. Liza doesn't want to speak to her, even if she is her best friend. It's obvious that she's not over the flirting that went down between David and Kristen earlier today.

"really? you're going to ignore your best friend Liza?" Corinna snaps. She's had enough of tip toeing around Liza and maybe it's just because she's angry but either way the truth has to come out now.

"Best friends don't flirt with each other's boyfriends" Liza yells, getting defensive. Instead of being angry with Corinna, she's taking it out on Kristen.

"you know what liza I've had enough. We've been here for you through everything and you're letting some guy come between us which is pointless considering there's nothing going on with me and David. We were having fine with our friends, something you wouldn't know how to do because you've been shitting us out since Rachel died" Kristen rants, feeling ashamed when the name of Liza's deceased sister slips past her lips.

"too far" is all Liza can mutter before grabbing her back and storming out of the hotel room with tears in her eyes.

Gabbie looks at her two friends with disappointment. They know how much Liza has had to suffer with but they used it to get their own back. Sure Liza's been a bitch recently but she's having a real hard time, they just don't understand.

Liza waits on the elevator before going down to the lobby. She knows she should be meeting with David but she can't let him see her in this state, he will worry too much. So instead she makes a bee line fire the bar inside the hotel, ordering a vodka coke and shots. lots and lots of shots.

"Now what's a pretty lady like you doing here, drinking all by yourself" the guy sitting next to Liza asks, turning his head to face her.

After downing one shot, she too turns to face him, wearing her signature glowing smile that she always has plastered on her face.

"ignoring someone" she says, unsure of who that person is. Based on the past few hours it could literally be anyone, Todd, Corinna, David, Kristen.

"need some company" the cute guy questions, lofting up his glass of alcoholic beverage with a sly smirk. Liza shakes her head.

"no. But I want some"

seven shots, three vodkas and five bottles of beer later, it's 1 am and both Liza and the hot guy are totally wasted.

"your names brennan?" Liza asks with surprise. she thought he looked more like a James or something that makes him sound like less of a douche.

"Yeah. I just thought you'd like to know my name considering you'll be screaming it real soon" He whispers in her ear. Sending chills up jet spine and not the good kind.

she suddenly feels really uncomfortable and decides to stand up to walk away, however, she's more than tipsy so her balance isn't great and she falls into someone but luckily that someone was ready to catch her.

David nods at Brennan before grabbing Liza's bag and helping her walk out to the lobby. On the way there, he stops and buys a bottle of water for her to try and sober up.

when she starts to drink the flavourless liquid, she becomes more aware of her surroundings and her company. She gives herself an eye roll.

"so you stood me up for him" David says bitterly, no emotion except hurt present in his expression. Liza's heart breaks when he says those words. she didn't mean to hurt him.

"it wasn't like that" she argues, not wanting him to hate her over her stupid mistake.

"im done being lied to Liza. first you use my best friend to try make me jealous for some reason that I still can't make sense of co side ring you already had me" he reminds her.

"had?" liza whispers quietly but David still heard it. he doesn't feel bad for making her understand how she hurt him. He stands up, leaving her in he lobby.

had. Past tense. she didn't have him anymore.


new chapter!!! (unedited)

is this the end of diza?

also! Liza's sister is dead? what happened?!

comment and vote plz

bye <3

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