Pervy Pete

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"Liza take a lunch brake for heavens sake will you"' Michelle demands. Liza has been working for hours without a break which was her choice and she's absolutely killing it. Liza finally caves in and does what Michelle says. She actually wanted to write in her journal anyway.

When she ms finished hanging up her apron and cleaning a few tables, Liza sets off for the pier. She walks down the long sidewalk and carefully climbs down the sandy beach hill before reaching the entry point to her spot. She expected to see waves and sand there but what she didn't expect to see was David.

"You know, I only showed you this spot so we could escape Todd and Corinna, not so you could steal it" she jokes, sitting down next to him. He stifles a chuckle but doesn't say anything.

"Look okay you're right. I want to be friends and friends don't lie to each other. I learned that the hard way with Kristen. But last night you were a total stranger to me, and you still are right now. I have been through hell and back this past year and I didn't want to tell you why in case I weirded you out or scared you off alright?" Liza explains, hoping he'll understand. she keeps her head low and her hands rested on either side of her jeans.

"Liza I'm not mad that you lied about not telling me the reason why. I'm mad because you lied about it instead of straight up telling me that it was personal and way too soon for you to tell me anything deep like that" David confesses, playing with his sleeves.

She knows she should have done what he said. Now she'll never have a chance to be friends with him which is a real shame because she likes him. He's a good egg. He's not like one of those assholes she's continuously meeting.

"Can we start over?" She asks shyly, afraid of being told no, that he doesn't want anything to do with her anymore.

There's a long pause and a moment where Liza thinks that he's going to yell at her for being so dumb. Why would she think they'd be friends after she lied to him.

David sighs loudly before turning his head to find Liza already looking up at him, her eyes glossy. He instantly beats himself up for making her feel this sad, this sad that she's almost in tears. He doesn't want her to feel bad, he knows she made a mistake and he'd honestly love nothing more than to be friends with her.

He holds out his left arm, holding it in front of Liza. She looks at it, clearly confused about what's going on. Has she never had a handshake before?

"I'm david. Nice to meet you"

Liza's glossy eyes disappear into glowing ones that match her toothy smile that makes David's heart jump.

"The pleasure is all mine. I'm Liza" she giggles as he pulls her into the side of his chest. He gives her a squeeze and begins to rub her arm gently. Liza melts into his chest, the smell of cinnamon consuming her senses. She closes her eyes, feeling very comfortable here in her spot. and she doesn't mean under the pier.

After a while of hugging, talking about interests and wave watching, the pair decide to head back. Liza has to start back work anyway and David's meeting the boys at the restaurant. Liza quizzes why it's always the restaurant she seems to see them in. Maybe it's just their spot.

"I'll talk to you later" David tells her as he sets his eyes on the table his friends are waiting patiently at. He's already gone before Liza can respond.

She walks over to the counter and reaches over to get a table cloth and cleaning spray. the tables won't clean themselves. She sprays and wipes all of the vacant tables and when she finishes, moves on to to sweeping as well as mopping the floor too.

"waiter girl" some rude jackass calls from the table next to David's. He and his friends look over at the man who's clearly in his 40's and doesn't know how to control himself.

Liza however, doesn't want to make a scene on her first day so she ignored the name but walks over to the rude guy, ready to take his order.

"How may I help you sir" she practically spits through her pearly white teeth.

"I' want a slice of pie for my dessert and make sure it's not cold or you're not getting your tip" he demands.

"Is that all sir?" She asks.

"I'd like a slice of you too if you don't mind" the perv says eerily, putting his hand on Liza's butt and groping it tightly. she gasps loudly when the hand comes into contact with her but she freezes. to say she's shocked would be an understatement.

The sudden loud noise of chair legs scrapping against the wooden floors cause liza to come out of her shock state. In a second, David's at her side, pulling the gross dudes hand off of her and wrapping his arm around her waist, moving her away from the table.

"You think that's cool man?" Todd yells, getting close to the scumbag. Scott and Zane grab his by his arms and drag him outside of the restaurant. There's no way this asshole is touching young girls or -any girls for that matter-inappropriately and getting away with it.

Liza sits on one of the bar stools, watching as the guys take him out of the restaurant. She knows she's being dramatic about what just happened. He only touched her butt, nothing drastic happened.

"I'm okay. It wasn't anything serious" Liza mumbles. she's buried in David's chest as he strokes her hair, trying to make her feel safe and secure.

"Liza he assaulted you. It is serious" David whispers, trying not to get mad. He doesn't want to cause any more of a scene for her sake.

Liza doesn't argue, instead she relaxes into David's chest, wishing her first day would have gone a little different. She just hopes that perv never shows his face again.

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