all is revealed

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it's been a week since liza left hawaii. everyone's already back home and she's caught up on all the news like zane has made gabbie his official girlfriend and toddy told corinna he loves her. liza also started back at the restaurant but david has been a voiding her all week. he only came in once to pick up his little brother toby who liza has made friends with. he hasn't spoke to her or even looked at her for more than two seconds. he's hurt. it's understandable.

after shifts, liza's been going to see joe in the hospital. his grandson came to visit when she was there yesterday and he told her about how the food truck was being looked after. she's glad he and his grandson have a close relationship. she just hopes they can continue to build it.

"okay i'm going to the hospital now" liza tells Michelle as she hangs up her apron. michelle nods her head, too busy counting change to talk. she's been really understanding about the whole david and liza not together thing. although, she was rooting for them.

when liza arrives at the hospital she sees kristen's car in the parking lot. assuming she's here with her mom or gabbie, she continues her journey to the hospital room joe is being looked after in.

to her surprise, joes awake and watching television when she walks in with sad eyes. he looks over at the younger girl with a smile on his face.

"i was wondering when you were going to show up" he laughs. patting the seat beside him, telling her to sit down. she does as she's told and sits down on the seat, holding his hand in hers.

"you scared me" she whispers loud enough for him to hear. joes old man chuckle fills her ears and gives her a reason to smile.

"don't you worry about me now elizabeth. i'll be alright dear" he assures her, stroking the back of her hand with his thumb. "now where's that boyfriend david of yours. i wanted to meet the boy" he then tells her.

liza's smile disappears at the mention of his name. she misses him. but he doesn't miss her. he has no reason to miss her. why is everything so hard.

"joe he's not my boyfriend" she informs him.

"not your boyfriend?" he questions. liza nods her head. "child don't be so stupid. i don't get why you teens nowadays have to make things so complicated. you love him don't you?" he asks a more than surprised liza. she nods her head quick. "well then go get him. life is too short elizabeth and take it from someone who lost the love of their life far too soon. you have to grab life by the handles and make it your bitch. go after what you want. tell him what you want. be with him. never not love him. you hear me"

liza sits with her eyes wide open and mouth agape. she's totally shocked. where the hell did that come from. joe looks sternly at her, is he mad at her?

"i said go! and don't come back unless it's to introduce us" he announces. liza wipes her tears with a laugh and does as the man says. he's right. she needs to stop overthinking and do what her hearts telling her. she needs to be with david.

she pants quickly as her legs run down the long hallways of the hospital, passing by every visitor and doctor there is in the building. she soon comes to a halt however when she runs around the corner and comes crashing into someone. comes crashing into kristen.

"what are you doing here?" kristen's asks her, she has a concerned look on her face. one that causes liza to be more than curious.

"joes here. what's your excuse?" she argues back, crossing her arms.

kristen sighs and drops her arms. she can't continue going on like this. she just can't. david needs to man up because she wants her best friend back.

"come with me" she instructs before grabbing one of liza's arms and pulling her along the floor, taking her wherever it is she's going. when they stop outside of a hospital room, liza sees david sitting on the bed with his feet tapping meaning he's nervous. why is he nervous. why is he even here.

"we are so sorry mr dobrik but you're cancer has spread. it's getting far more serious and uncontrollable by the minute. i'll give you some time to take it all in" the doctor says and gestures to someone to stand up. liza's tears eyes find michelle's and before leaving the room, she squeezes her in a tight hug. liza can't correspond everything that she just heard. she can't wrap her head around absolutely any of it. cancer? david has cancer? he can't. he doesn't. she refuses to believe it.

she turns to kristen, hoping that she'll tell her that what she just heard was not real and he's fine. he's healthy and he's not ill and he's not going anywhere. but she doesn't. she just cries. holding her hand up to her mouth. kristen is more upset for liza than she is david right now. the look liza has on her face. it's easy to tell she's broken. every single part of her is broken.

liza takes a deep breath. she walks more into the room and stops beside david who's currently hiding his head in his hands. not looking at anything or anyone. he only feels someone rest their hand on his back and he assumes it's kristen.

"kristen can i just have a minute please" he mumbles through his own tears. liza's eyes fill up more when she hears his voice.

"she's not here" liza cries, causing david to look up into her deep brown eyes. his gasp says it all. he was not expecting to see her here.

"liza what are you doing here" he asks, reaching out to wrap his arm around her waist. she moves closer to him before sitting in front of him on the bed. she moves her hand away from his back and places it on his wet cheek.

"i'm not mad at anyone, especially not you. i'm not mad that you didn't tell me. i'm mad at myself for not being able to recognize it for myself. so now all i want to do is sit here and hold you while you cry into my chest and let me tell you how much i love you. can you let me do that?" she asks.

david sniffles as his head nods yes before he allows himself to collapse into her. she does exactly what she said she would. she holds him, strokes his hair and most importantly. she loves him.

new chapter! unedited so don't bite my head off.


bye <3

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