green eyed monster

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"good morning beautiful"

Liza smiles as she leans back into David's chest, his arms around her waist, puller her closer. she wanted to get up early to watch the sunrise and apparently so did he.

She turns around, his arms still around her tiny frame. her own arms find their way around his neck and she pulls herself up a little, just enough to reach his lips. David smiles into their kiss, loving every second of it.

"I want to take you out tonight, that okay with you?" He asks her while playing with her hair, his hand tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"like on a date?" Liza teases, enjoying the shade of red that tints his cheeks when she does. she can't help herself from placing a kiss on his lips once again.

"yes like a date" he confesses, ruffling her long  curly hair. Liza moves her hands so she's now cupping his cheeks and pinching them slightly.

"You're so adorable when your nervous" she giggles, smiling at him largely. he rolls his eyes and her, escaping her embrace and moving over to lean on the fence.

Liza moves too, not letting him get away that fast. She snuggles into his side as they both watch the sun rise together, occasionally sharing a kiss.

At breakfast, the two of them sit beside each other, eating their favourite breakfast meals and chatting with their friends. David pours Liza more tea without even realising but she does. She loves how he thinks about her even when it's unexpected.

Today's itinerary calls for turtle and dolphin snorkelling , an activity everyone is over to moon about doing thanks to scotty and his amazing ability to choose for everyone.

Liza puts on her bathing suit, today it's a black two piece that's simple but still very sexy and she knows it'll drive David nuts.

"I have something to tell you guys" Liza announces. the girls stop what their doing and give her their full attention, intrigued to find out what she's going to say.

"If this is about you and David finally growing a pair and telling each other you're mad in love then don't bother, scotty already told Kristen and of course Kristen dished" Corinna confesses, making love heart eyes at the smirking girl.

"How did you feel when he said it back" Gabbie asks with a smirk.

Liza's smile vanishes but she tries not to make it too obvious. Now that she's thinking about it, he never said it back. Sure he said all those other beautiful, amazing things to her but he never actually said the words I love you or even I love you too. Still, she can't let her friends know that because they'll just bug her about it and anyway, there's still a chance that maybe he'll say it tonight.

The group all meet downstairs in the lobby. The boat leaves the dock in ten minutes which is exactly three minutes after they arrive at the beach.

"That's a fancy boat" Gabbie exclaims, grabbing Zane's hand and pulling him on board.

Liza and Kristen help each other get on as the boat rocks a little on the water and neither of them want to fall in. the view from the boat -when it starts to move,slicing through the water, taking them to the deep part of the sea -is mesmerising. The colourful island captures their eyes and takes their breathes away.

"Okay here are your snorkels and goggles" Todd announces, passing around the box of equipment.

Somehow the girls manage to get their favourite
colours. Liza has white, Corinna got pink, Gabbie picked up blue and Kristen's went with yellow. By the time they put on their equipment, the boys were already in the water kicking around and looking for turtles and dolphins. Kristen stood on the edge of the platform, debating weather or not she should just jump or go in a little bit at at time. Three seconds later, she no longer had a choice as she was pushed by a very inpatient Gabbie.

Corrine and Liza stand on the boat with their hands covering their mouths as they both try their hardest not to laugh because Kristen would be pissed is she caught them

"Gabriella I'm going to kill you bitch" Kristen yells when she comes up to the surface, wiping the water out of her eyes.

"What's taking you so long?" Zane yells to Gabbie and Corinna who are still on the platform. Liza decides to wait a minute or five before jumping in because of her last traumatic experience with water.

Both girls shrug shoulders and jump in, holding hands and screaming. Liza watches as everyone plays around, splashing, looking and laughing. She sees David grab Kristen and pull her close to him, she clings onto his shoulder as David holds her bridal style for a moment before throwing her back into the water. Liza knows it's nothing. They're friends and they are only playing around. However, that doesn't mean she can't get jealous.

David's smile never washes away as she keeps messing around with him. Scott and Zane aren't even with them anymore. They've gone over to the cave near by, probably looking around for dolphins.

"hey you coming in?" Todd asks Liza when he jumps onto the boat. he wipes his wet face with a towel and joins her on the long seat. An idea pops into Liza's head even though it's a horrible one that she shouldn't be doing.

"Yeah but only if you help me, you know, ptsd and all that" she says, feeling a pang of guilt. she knows she can't use Todd. Corinna would kill her if she found out and so would David.

"I get it. Come on, hop on my back" he tells her.

Liza does as he says and stands on the seat so she has a better chance at jumping on. When she takes the jump, her legs wrap around Todd's torso and her arms do the same to his neck. She giggles and lets out a loud shriek when the boat starts to wobble, making Todd jump straight into the water with Liza still on his back. David and Kristen look over to Corinna who looks more upset than mad. what do they think they're doing?


new chapter!

vote and comment so I know if I'm doing okay or not! thanks for the positive response so far guys!

(this chapter is partially edited)

bye <3

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