it means i love you

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liza's eyes flutter open and she smiles as she stretches her limbs. she's never had that much of an amazing sleep before. it was everything. her eyes trail to the window to see the night sky. god what time is it?.

"david we should get u-" she begins to say but soon stops when she sees the space next to her empty. where's david?.

confused, liza wraps one of her blankets around her small frame and trailing downstairs. she wipes the sleep from her eyes as she walks over the the dishwasher and reaches for a glass. cold water and ice from the fridge is always a great wake up method.

it's only when she sits down at the island she sees the piece of paper that's been ripped out from one of her notebooks and has david's messy yet readable handwriting scribbled all over the lines.

didn't want to wake you. i made your favourite snack it's in the fridge. meet me at our spot at 7pm no later, no earlier.

- david

liza didn't realize just how much she was smiling until her cheeks began to ache. curious as to what he actually made, she opens up the fridge door to see a bowl of fruit that's been cut into flowers. fruit. her favourite snack. he knows her so well.

after showering and drying her hair it's only 5:30pm and she still has enough time. tonight liza wants to wear a romper that she didn't get the chance to wear in hawaii. she has to admit that she misses it and wishes everything could have gone differently but all that matters is here and now. she and david are in an amazing place, she and kristen are talking again and her parents are coming home and they're going to work through their issues together like a family.

liza moisturises her legs, arms and face before slipping on he white think piece of clothing. she finds her converse and ties the laces. as for her hair, liza puts it into her infamous bun and wears a small chocker. she puts on her diamond earrings that her dad got her on her 16th birthday and then applies very little make up.

the time on her phone reads 6:40 by the time she's completely finished getting dressed. quickly, liza grabs her car keys and leaves the house, not wanting to be late. she parks the car in the usual spot and begins to make her way down to her spot.

liza's heart skips a beat when she finally reaches under the pier. she has no words what-so ever to describe how happy and loved she feels in this moment. there sitting on a large bean bag is david with his phone in his hands. also on the bean bag are blankets and pillows. fairy lights hang from the posts that hold up the pier. there's a long blanket laying under the bean bag where a picnic blanket sits with a bottle of fizzing apple cider and plastic wine glasses on top. it's everything. she can't believe he's done this for her.

"what's all this?" she asks when she walks closer tho him, her voice shaking. david quickly puts his phone away and stands up, opening his arms and looking at her with a nervous smile.

"do you like it?" he asks, anxiously.

liza runs towards him, letting out a squeal and laughter when he picks her up. he places his hand on her thighs, making sure he doesn't drop her even though she's extremely light. liza wraps her arms around his neck. they look into each other's brown eyes, enchanted by each other. their smiles glow together before they share a passionate kiss full of nothing but love.

"i love it" liza tells him as he puts her down.

together, they sit down on the bean bag, liza looking through the picnic basket to find all of her favourite snacks and candies. she feels really special right now and it's all thanks to him.

david takes a small box from his jacket pocket and holds it in his hand. liza's in the middle of chomping on a Swedish fish when she notices the box.

she doesn't know not to react but she also doesn't know how she feels. she's far too young to be getting engaged and they only met this summer and they've gone through so much already and she loves david but she doesn't know.

"yes" she blurts, not realizing what she said until it's out in the open. david looks at her quizzically.

"what do you mean yes?" he laughs lightly, fiddling about with the box.

"well, you were going to propose to me right?" she says as if it's obvious. david's eyes widen a little as he looks away from her, trying not to laugh. " look david i know we're still practically strangers but i also know i'd rather be with you than anyone else and i feel like i have known you our whole lives so yes. i want to marry you".

david turns back round to face her, a grin plastered on his face. he takes her right hand and holds it in his.

"that's very sweet liza. i want to marry you too but unfortunately that's not what this is" he explains while holding up the box. she sighs with relief. he knows she meant what she said but he also knows she didn't want it to happen this fast.

"this. is a reminder for you that no matter where we are or who we are with. our love is still present. it always will be. till death do us part" he says softly. david takes out a small gold ring with a grey centre. it's a rock from their spot that he has made into a ring. liza's eyes water up and she takes the ring from him, putting it on her finger.

"wait" she says slowly, realising what he said. "our love, does that mean?."

"yeah. it means i love you"

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