cant give up

843 30 18

she can hear the cheers and laughter from her friends who are obviously enjoying the view of the waterfall. However, Liza isn't a fan of swimming so she won't be participating in the cannon balls her friends are probably doing into the freezing cold yet refreshing water.

Apart from the noise they're making and a few bird chirping, the jungle is really quiet and so peaceful. Liza sees deer in the far distance, grazing together.

She also sees a hill that looks very enjoyable to climb. Deciding that it's a good idea, liza stands up from the rock and begins to trek up the hill, holding onto trees so she doesn't loose her balance and tumble back down the hill.

when she reaches the top after what feels like forever, she doesn't see anything except more trees and dirt. a strange hissing nose captures her full attention however and she instantly wishes she stayed with her friends. slowly and very carefully, liza turns her full body to face the tree where this horrible hissing is coming from. Her heart stops completely when a pair of light brown, reptile eyes find here. she recognises the creature by its scales and long thin tongue that moves like a rattle. it's a brown tree snake and they're very aggressive yet only a little bit poisonous, however, still very scary.

Down at the waterfall, the group wait patiently for Gabbie to return. She went to check on Liza a few minutes ago and hasn't come back yet.

"I can't find her" She says, her voice soaked with worry and fear that something may have happened.

David stands up from the grass, ready to call out her name when an ear piercing scream booms from above on the mountain like hill, where Liza is. They look up just in time to see her stumble backwards and fall through the plants, dropping off of the edge quickly and landing in the deep cold waters. It doesn't take more than a second for David to yell her name as he jumps straight into the pool of what feels like melted ice, moving as fast as he possibly can to reach her before she goes into shock due to the coldness and possibly drowns.

"David she's not a strong swimmer" he hears Corinna cry which only makes him more determined to  get to her.

Liza's knocked out body somehow manages to start sinking to the bottom, probably the result of a current pulling her way deep under. She floats for a moment, small bubbles escaping her mouth. The oxygen sucked out of her and her lips turning blue.

David's arm wraps around her as tight as it possibly can, pulling her to the surface. When his head comes out from under the water, he gasps for air while still trying to keep both he and Liza above the water line. Scott and Todd have now joined David in the water at this point while Zane tries to comfort the girls.

"Take her" David pleads to Todd who does as he says and takes Liza from David's arms.

Scott helps the struggling boy stay afloat, both of them swimming over to the edge and pulling themselves out. David coughs up a little bit of water before he manages to stand up and rush over to where Liza's unconscious body lays down.

"she's not breathing" Kristen screams, Scott having to hold her close to his chest, stopping her from breaking down completely.

"Liza come on" David whimpers as he begins CPR on her. This isn't how their vacation was supposed to go. She wasn't supposed to get hurt like this. He needed to tell her how she made him feel. What happened.

Five minutes of trying to get her heart beating again turned to ten. David wasn't giving up but Zane and Todd knew he should. Liza wasn't coming back. She'd suffered too much trauma to her head, too much water had got trapped in her lungs and she wasn't fighting back.

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