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"why did you want to meet me here in the middle of the night again?" liza laughs as she makes her way to the beach. david figures telling her at their spot would ruin her favourite place and he didn't want to ruin that for her. so the beach will have to do.

his parents didn't take it to well and his sibling don't understand yet. as for scotty, he broke down but respects his choice. the others are mad at him. as they should be.

"i have to tell you something" he says, his tone serious. liza knows whatever he has to say must be important because she doesn't get a hug or any form of contact.

"david what's wrong" she questions, taking his hand only to have it snatched away in an instant. she's beyond confused as to why he's acting this way. they only just got together and he's trying to break them apart. "you know what. i'm sick of me being the only one who wants this to work david. come find me when you figure out what you want"she says before turning to leave.

"i have" he says. she looks at him, confused. "figured out what i want i mean" he tells her. she turns back around, crossing her arms.

"and what do you want?" she asks him sternly.

"i want you to stay with me until next month which is when i have to leave for switzerland" he says.

liza furrows her brows in confusion. switzerland? why is he going to switzerland. and that's when it clicks. everything makes sense.

"tell me your lying" she demands, not wanting to hear any of it. "tell me your lying david". when he doesn't, she grabs his arm and stands in front of him, tear eyes and broken hearted.

"taking the easy way out is not what you want to do" she tells him with a shaky voice. he can't look at her so instead he turns to walk away.

liza doesn't go after him. she can't and she won't. she refuses to support his childish behaviour. liza runs back to her car and gets inside. she screams as loud as she can. ever since meeting him she's done nothing but cry. and she's had her heart broken too many times. she can't cope with it any longer. she can't deal with everything that happened last year and everything that's happening now. she wish she'd never have survived that fall.

and that when she sees it.

the pier.

slowly, liza gets out of the car and walks towards the end of the pier, her heart racing as she climbs onto the railings and looks down below and the rocks. if she falls at the right height or the right speed, it'll all be over soon.


surprisingly, she doesn't flinch, she doesn't look and she doesn't care. nobody can make her change her mind at this rate and she's convinced that this is the way out.

"taking the easy way out is not what you want to do"

her blurry eyes let out the tears as those words start to ring in her ears. maybe he was right to want to take the easy way. maybe that's the best way. it is the best way. it has to be.

liza feels a strong grip wrap around her waist, she cries into his chest, sobbing uncontrollably. this summer was never supposed to go this way. never.

"we need to talk" david whispers into her ear. she nods willingly because she knows he's right. they do need to talk and they do need to figure out what happens next.

david carries liza on his back to their spot, liza holding on tight and never wanting to let go. she hates feeling like this. why can't she feel something else. why can't they be happy together without any obstacles.

"what was that all about" david asks when he sits them both down. liza moves beside him, hugging her knees to her chest.

"wanted to try taking the easy way out" she says sarcastically, clearly pissed.

"do you know how selfish that is?" he yells slightly,  or wanting to scare her.

"me? selfish! says the one who has a chance to live just that little bit longer but won't because your a coward" she yells, loudly.

david shakes his head. she doesn't understand and he didn't expect her to. he just wanted her to support him.

"i can't do this. we clearly weren't made to be with each other. all we do is argue and fight and it's always me that ends up with the broken heart" she says with her voice shaking.

"i know" david mumbles but she hears.

liza gently takes her hands and cups his cheeks, she kisses his forehead before standing up. it's killing her to be the one that leaves but she doesn't know what else she can possibly do. it's hard.

they just weren't supposed to be anything more.

new chapter (unedited)

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bye <3

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