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"You what!"

Liza and David have spent the last two hours telling childhood stories, giggling and giving them self sugar rushes with their amount of candy intake.

"Okay so let me get this straight. your friend put a peanut up your nose in 4th grade and it got stuck there" she laughs, gasping for breath in between each word.

"Yeah it was pretty bad. Ended a four month friendship so it did" David jones, finding Liza's happiness amusing. He likes when she laughs. Her laugh reminds him of his childhood when all he would do is laugh. At everything.

Liza lays down on the sand, her head resting on Davids sweatshirt nicely. She closes her big brown eyes that David says could easily give a puppy a run for its money and breathes out slowly. She listens to the waves and David's soft, quiet breathing. Liza feels relaxed when she's here. with him.

David copies her movement, also laying down on the sand beneath them, his head too resting in his sweatshirt. He lays also enjoying the sweet sound of nothing but waves crashing against the rocks and the sound that lets him know Liza's still breathing. It worry's him that one day she won't. He hopes he's the first.

Just as the pair were feeling calm and relaxed, David's phone starts to ring. Liza's initial thought goes to his dad. He must be wondering where he is. But David of course knows that it's not his dad and I fact it's Scott. Scott always calls him on Saturdays.

"Hey dude"

"Can't today. I'm with Liza"

"Really? okay I'll ask her and text you"

"ok bye"

Liza sits up, leaning on her arm whilst looking at David, hoping for an explanation. David turns around to find her already looking at him.

"That was Scott. His uncle owns an amusement park and he said he'd close it down today for us so we can have the whole park to ourselves" David explains, putting his phone back into his pocket.

"Really?" Liza awes, she's never been to an amusement park let alone one that's empty.

"Yeah and Kristen, Corinna and Gabbie are going so doghouse wanna come too....with me?" David asks nervously, scared she'll say no.

"Yeah sure, lets go"

They decided to take David's car and he'd drop her off here later to pick up her car. Liza started to feel tired as she sat in the passengers seat with her head resting against the cold widow while the heat from the car cause her to be droopy. Within a matter of 30 minutes, the duo had arrived in the parking lot of Scott's uncle franks fun amusement park.

Liza and David both exited the car, david waiting for liza before he walked over to their friends. They hadn't spoke since the night at the restaurant when Liza was assaulted and David didn't want to talk about it because it mad him angry and he didn't like Liza seeing him angry. He doesn't know why but there's just something he sees in her that makes his heart beat that little bit quicker every time he glances at her or every time they make the slightest contact with each other. He can't explain it yet but he hopes to soon.

"Do whatever we want, eat whatever we want, go on whatever ride we want. Just don't break anything and that includes yourselves. Oh and if we split up, meet back here at 6pm okay?" Scott instructs, not waiting for anyone's answers and pulling Kristen by the hand into the park, both of them running towards the water ride.

Everyone else splits up without even knowing it. Gabbie and Liza walk off to the cotton candy machine, Corinna and Todd sneak off to the Ferris wheel and Zane and David go on the go karts.

"So you came with David" Gabbie teases Liza as they chomp on the pink fluffy substance. Liza's eyes roll naturally just like they always do when we Gabbie teases her about David which for the past few days have been constant.

"I told you we're just friends. But speaking about arriving with people, I saw you get out of Zane's car" Liza chuckles, seeing how red Gabbie's face gets at the mention of his name.

"He's a nice guy and I really like him. He treats me amazingly" Gabbie tells her. Again, Liza's eyes roll to the back of her head. How could Gabbie possibly like a dude she just met less than a week ago. It's madness.

"I know what you're thinking but Liza it's very possible for someone to catch feelings for someone they've just met. You're parents did" Gabbie reminds her as they sit down on a bench near the arcade.

"I guess your right. I just don't want you to jump into anything if you're not sure" Liza explains her best interests to her best friend.

"And I just want you to not live in fear. Do something a little crazy and not traditional for once. I know you're starting to like him Liza. We've been friends since middle school. I know your eyes sparkle every time you see him and when you accidentally touch his hand a wave of electricity surrounds every aching bone in your body" Gabbie announces.

For the first time in her life, Liza knows that Gabbie's right about her feeling, unlike before when she couldn't be more wrong. She knows what she's saying about David is true. Although Liza's been trying to hide it because they're practically strangers, she does feel something for David. She doesn't know what or why. She just knows they're real and very existent.


I promise I'll edit the spelling/ grammar mistake tomorrow!

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Bye <3

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